Change Pt. 2

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Lance has never been more happy in his entire life. He has an amazing family that's supported him from when he was a baby, an understanding and most caring best friend in the universe, and the sweetest boyfriend in existence.

After the night Keith became full Galra, the boys became extremely close and have been there for each other, however things have been a little difficult. It's been two weeks after Keith's transformation and he hasn't told the rest of the crew yet. Apparently he couldn't turn human at all and this lead to some issues.

Lance told the team that Keith was sick and couldn't train or leave his room at all. Shiro wanted to check on him but Lance told him that Keith was resting and didn't want to be disturbed. At first Shiro was going to ignore him, but thought better, "Keith doesn't get a full night's rest, so okay I'll check on him later." Lance panicked for a sec then came up with an excuse he hoped will work. He told everyone that Keith didn't really want to see anyone, but since Lance was with him the most during his "little scene" he only feels comfortable with him.

He was terrified because he thought they wouldn't buy it, but they all looked at one another and smiled back at Lance agreeing with him. He let out a sigh, relieved to at least be given some time to work things out. And it hasn't been easy.

Keeping a secret from the team wasn't easy, but somehow the two pulled it off for a long while. Lance would bring food to Keith so that the others wouldn't worry about him starving. Sneaking off to the training deck was another, harder task to do. Lance was against it but changed his mind when Keith looked at him with his beautiful violet eyes, how could he say no to that?

They would sneak through the hallways when everyone was asleep so that they'll have a better chance at not being caught. Keith would train for two hours at most, then go back to his room to sleep. Lance got to experience first hand at how Keith's new Galra strength would do and boy those training dummies didn't stand a chance.

He would even join Keith sometimes and it would end with him on his back. Keith didn't want to hurt him, but he wasn't gonna let Lance beat him just yet. After training the two would go back to Keith's room, but instead of going to sleep right away they would talk and share each other's past or not talk at all and just cuddle until they finally fell asleep.

Lance liked, no loved that Keith was finally becoming more opened and comfortable and didn't feel like he had anything to hide. He was still a little uncomfortable with his new form, but Lance would help him by stroking his ears or petting his soft, silky hair. He sometimes calls him "space cat," but Keith thinks it's silly, "Just because I look like a cat doesn't mean I am one." He retorted.

The rivalry between them was gone, but they still liked a little competition between each other now and then. They are now lovers, boyfriends even, and they couldn't be happier.

One night, after Keith took a shower from training and crawled onto the bed putting his head on Lance's lap, the now smaller teen asked him a question, "When are you going to tell them?" He thought Keith ignored his question, but he felt him move to look up at him, "To be honest I'm not sure." He said, " I just don't want to mess anything up, and what if I'm kicked off the team because they can't stand me now. I don't want to leave Voltron, I don't want to leave you." Keith concluded, looking at Lance with glossy eyes.

Lance hugged Keith and pet his hair to comfort him. "I know it's scary, but everyone accepted you when you learned you have Galra blood. I'll be with you the whole way no matter how long." He said to his purple lover. They sat on the bed for a long while, the peaceful silence broke when Keith said, "I want to tell them. And I want to stay with my family." Lance looked at him and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead, "Okay." is all he says. They got under the covers and cuddled until sleep took them over.

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