Soulmate AU

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There is a time in every person's life when they will meet their soulmate. But sometimes before or after they meet, they receive markings on their arms giving them hints and insight to their forever partner.

Lance has been waiting for as long as he can remember to finally meet his soulmate.

Keith thought he could never have a soulmate because he's been alone for so long.

But little did the two know that they would be each other's universe.

It was Friday, Lance was having lunch with his two best friends in the world. Hunk is the sweetest person and an excellent chef. He already has a soulmate, an equally sweet and kind person as him. Shay is absolutely everything Hunk could ask for and they love each other dearly. Pidge however was a little gremlin. She's like a little sister to Lance and is a tech wiz. Her soulmate isn't a person, but her love for science is unmatched.

"Man it's not fair! You guys already have your soulmates. Yours isn't even a real person Pidge." Lance said a little jealous. "Well it's not our fault that we got ours and you didn't." Pidge responded. "I'm sure you'll find your soulmate soon. The marks will start appearing and who knows they might be what you need." Hunk said trying to comfort his friend.

Lance was lost in his thoughts, but then his eyes landed on the lonely mullet boy in the far corner. Keith was one of the best students at school and he absolutely adores him. But Lance had trouble with his feelings and would usually burst with emotion whenever he was around him. He secretly wanted Keith to be his soulmate, but those chances were very slim.

Keith looked up and made eye contact with Lance. Embarrassed Lance looked down at his hands avoiding him. He could feel Keith's gaze on him, but didn't look at him again. He got spooked by Hunk when he let out a squeal, "Dude! Your arm!"

Lance looked down at his arms and saw a glowing red mark appear. It's finally happened, his soulmate mark has appeared. When the glow fade away, it showed a ball of fire. "What do you think it means?" Lance asked baffled. "It must mean that your special someone has a 'hot' personality." Pidge guess.

"Or they're your opposite. Opposites do attract." Hunk said. Lance gave him a confuse look along with Pidge. "Y'know you're more like water; adaptable and flowing. And fire is free and untamed. But put them together and they balance each other out." He explained. "That actually explains a lot. And it might be Keith." Pidge said with a smirk.

"W-w-what!" Lance stuttered, he looked over to Keith to find him playing with his food. He had a slight red tint on his face and this caused Lance's face to darken he returned his gaze back to his arm. "I hope you and your soulmate live happily." Hunk said happy for his best friend.

After receiving his mark, Lance has been wondering who his soulmate is. He's been hiding his marking because if his soulmate is Keith, he didn't know how he'll react and he didn't want to ruin anything.

3 weeks after receiving his mark, he's been wearing long sleeve t-shirts and his favorite jacket. He was walking in the school halls lost in his mind when he accidentally bumped into someone and dropped his books, "Oh, sorry!" He apologized and bend down picking up his books.

"I-it's okay." That voice sounds familiar. Lance looked up and saw that he bumped into Keith. Flustered he picked up his books faster, but he kept dropping them. Keith rolled his eyes and bend down, "Stop." He said. Lance did what he said and looked into his eyes. His beautiful dark eyes that he could spend hours looking at. "You aren't going to get anywhere with what your doing. Calm down I'll help." Keith stated and helped Lance pick up his books.

Lance snapped out of his trance and picked up his books more calmly. When he reached for his math book his and Keith's hands touch. They looked into each other's eyes, trapped in a gaze. "Is something wrong?" A person said. The two pulled their hands away and looked to see Mr. Shirogane (or Shiro as he prefers to be called) looking down at them concerned.

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