Altean x Galra AU

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Lance is a prince. He is the son of King Alfor and the younger brother to Princess Allura of Altea, and he is bored. Lance thought being a prince was the best thing when he was a kid, but now he felt like he couldn't do anything. Especially go out of the Castle of Lions.

"Where do you think your going?" Lance froze at the doors that lead outside. He look back to see the royal advisor Coran. Coran has always been treated like family; he's known Alfor before he became king and Allura and Lance see him as an uncle.

"Come on Coran. I'm tired of being stuck here. It's not like I have a place here anyway." Lance said gloomily. Coran looked at him with a sympathetic look, " I know my boy, but you are the prince and we can't afford anything to happen to you. Your 18 now." He said. Lance knew Coran was right and reluctantly walk back to his room. "I hope Alfor knows what he's doing, Lance will need someone to look after him." He said to himself walking off in the opposite direction the prince went.

Lance woke up with the sun shining throw his balcony window. He got up and went to his bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Uhg, another day in luxury." He says sarcastically, gently touching his markings. He washed his face and combed through his white hair. He got dressed then made his way to the dining room to get some breakfast.

He entered the room to find his father and sister looking at him. "What did I do now?" Lance asked, "Your not in trouble Lance, but there's something we want to talk to you about." Alfor said. Lance gave a confuse look but sat down at the table across from his father and sister. "As you know Allura is next in line for the throne," Lance nodded, his father continues, "But because you are the second born child along for your spirited personality, I've decided to entrust a bodyguard to you." He finished.

Lance's jaw dropped, "But-but I'm responsible and I don't need someone on me all the time!" He argues. "Lance we only want what's best for you. You can't go wherever you want and not except trouble." Allura said. Lance was about to argue back, but Alfor stood up and told them to stop, "Enough! Lance my mind is made up. In fact he's here as we speak." The King said.

On cue Coran enters the room with a tall figure in a black and purple suit. But when Lance looked at the face of his new bodyguard he froze. Because he looked incredibly handsome, and his hair looked soft. "This is Keith. He is a member of the Blades of Mamora. Kolivan personally assigned him." Coran informed. The Blades of Mamora is made up of Galra that provide peace over the universe and Kolivan is the leader.

Lance took in Keith's figure. He's very tall, about a head taller than him. He has the same purple skin tone like most Galra, he also has mesmerizing violet irises unlike other Galra Lance has seen before. He is also muscular (and the suit highlights that.) But what stood out most was the adorable cat-like ears that popped out of his raven hair(that resembled a mullet might I add).

Keith walked towards the Royal family and bowed to them, "I promise to do everything I can to ensure the safety of not only Prince Lance, but the rest of the Royal family King Alfor." He said. "How proper." Lance thought starring at the Galra. "Thank you Keith. All you have to do is keep an eye on my son." Alfor informed, "And he can be a bit of a handful." He added quietly.

The Blade straighten up and took his position next to the prince. He had a serious face and Lance couldn't help but just think of him, "Maybe I can have some fun with him." He thought. After breakfast Lance went to his room, Keith walking beside him.

He just couldn't stop starring at the Blade. Lance didn't know why he was doing this, "Is he really my bodyguard or is this some kind of trick?" Lance thought to himself. His family and Coran, along with the castle residents knew he was bisexual, and they gave him an incredibly hot bodyguard to look after him.

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