Change Pt. 1

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How did Lance get himself into this situation? Here he was dragging a semi-conscious Keith down the hall. It all started as a simple mission; Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge were in their lions distracting a Galra fleet while he and Keith were freeing prisoners from a purple planet. The last of the prisoners got into the red and blue lions and when the two Paladins were just about to make their way to them, a Galra soldier surprised and attacked them.

The two were confused at first when they only found Galra sentries patrolling the prison, but it made the job easier. Back to the fight, despite the surprise they easily overpowered the soldier but before they could make their ways to Red and Blue, the soldier threw a bomb at them or more specifically at Lance. Before it could hit, Keith pushed him out of the way and got hit instead. It then released a purple gas, at first Lance panicked because he inhaled it before he could put up his visor, but after a few moments nothing happened.

Lance was relieved, but then he heard coughing and look to see Keith bent over on the ground. Lance immediately rushed over to his rival *cough*crush*cough* and asked if he was okay. "I'm fine come on let's head back to the castle." Keith replied Lance offered to help him up, but he got up on his own and jogged his way to Red. Lance didn't realized he was staring until Shiro came on the intercom telling him to head back to his lion and back to the castle. Lance hurried over to Blue and quickly flew back to the castle ship.

Once they returned back and warp into to a safer place, they got to work of sending the prisoners home. Lance snuck occasional glances at Keith seeing that he looked a little off but just couldn't put his finger on it.

After all the prisoners were returned safely home and some to nearby refugees, the Paladins all gathered in the control room planning their next move. While Allura was explaining something, a thud was heard and everyone turn to see what happened and Keith was on the floor. Shiro quickly ran over to his little brother checking if he was alright, "Should we put him in a pod?" Hunk asked. "I'm sorry Hunk but the pods are still damaged from the previous mission," Coran explained. Everyone soon surrounded the brothers, "What do we do?" Pidge asked concerned for her friend, "For now Keith will rest, someone will take him to his room and keep an eye on him." Shiro said, and before anyone could say anything Lance went to Keith and crouched down taking him in his arms.

The motion caused Keith to wake up and reveal those violet orbs Lance adores. He then tried to get up, but he ended up stumbling and found himself on the floor again. Lance bend down taking Keith's arm and putting it on his shoulders to support him, "Look it's obvious you can't walk on your own let alone stand. So stop acting all tough and cool and let me drag your butt to your room okay?" Lance said, he then put his hand on Keith's waist to better support him.

After a few moments Keith nodded his head then they started walking and before the exited the room, Lance swore he heard a snicker. He looked back and saw Pidge with a smirk and waved him off. After the doors closed, he glanced over at Keith and swore he saw a tint of pink dusting his cheeks.

Now back to what is happening now, the two finally made it to Keith's room. Lance opened the door and entered. The door closed behind them providing some privacy for the rivals *cough*pinning idiots*cough*.

When they got to the bed, Keith immediately collapsed on the mattress. For a moment Lance just stood there looking down on his probably sick friend. He then bend down so he could level himself with Keith on the mattress. After a while of starring at him for a few more moments, he thought it would be more comfortable for Keith if he took off his armor. "Hey do you want me to take off your armor, it might be easier to rest." He asked, at first Keith didn't respond, but after Lance stood up and was gonna leave the room, he heard a faint "okay." He then made his way back to Keith, "I'm gonna need you to sit up it'll make it easier for the both of us." Lance replied.

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