Vampire AU

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Lance is walking home after school. "It's finally summer break!" He says to himself. "Finally I can relax and get some much needed sleep." Lance continues talking to himself until he reaches his house.

He unlocked the door and entered into his home. His parents are on vacation, because to Lance and his siblings they definitely deserve it. His twin Rachel and his elder sister Veronica are having a sister vacation to spend together. His older brother Marco is staying at his eldest sibling's house. Luis is needing someone to babysit his kids, Sylvio and Nadia, so he can spend time with his wife.

That just left Lance with the whole house to himself. He didn't mind being alone, he could invite his friends over Hunk and Pidge. But they were going to a science and mechanics camp for the first four weeks of summer, which left Lance completely alone.

He didn't know what to do with his friends and family away. "Well these first few weeks are going to be boring." He said to himself. "Might as well get something to eat." A few hours later, he was watching an old horror movie that wasn't really scary. "Vampires? Come on they're not that scary."

It was soon nighttime and Lance got up to go to his room. After putting on his pajamas and applied his face mask, he got into bed and close his eyes. "I wish something would happen. It be pretty boring without some drama." He said to himself, putting on his sleep mask and fell asleep.

(A few hours later)

Lance heard a noise, but ignored it at first. He heard more and felt a shift in weight on his bed. Annoyed he removed his mask and open his eyes only to be meant with the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen. Lance was speechless because they glow a violet hue and they were so close, too close.

He snapped out of his little trance and realized that a stranger is in his room, in his house. He was about to scream, but the stranger above him covered his mouth and hold him down pinning him to the bed. "Please don't freak out." The stranger said. His voice was deep and a little husky, but Lance swore he heard something else. Fear?

The two just stare at each other for a while, "Now I'm going to get off you, but you must promise not to scream or freak out. Okay?" The stranger said. Lance wasn't sure what to do, "This guy is strong. Best to play along for now." He thought. He nodded his head, and slowly the figure above him removed his hand and got off him.

Once the stranger was off of Lance, the Cuban got a good look at his intruder. He has very pale skin, a little skinny but had some muscle. He wears mostly black clothing with a red leather jacket. He appeared to be Lance's height and had thick black hair that resembled, "Seriously, who has a mullet these days?" He said.

The intruder looked back at Lance with his beautiful face. He has a sharp jawline and flawless skin. "What did you say? I wasn't listening." He said. Lance didn't hear him and continued checking him out. "Um, hello?" The beautiful intruder waved his hand in front of Lance's face, his lips slightly parted.

Lance took that opportunity and look at his pretty lips, but he saw something unnatural. "Hey, are you okay?" The stranger said. Lance finally snapped out of his trance and without thinking introduce himself, "Hi. The name's Lance and you are?" He said in a flirty tone. He realized what he did and covered his mouth with his hands, his face blushing mad.

"I'm...Keith?" The stranger said answering his question. "And I kinda need a favor." He continued. Lance didn't know how to respond, but he simply nodded his head for Keith to continue. "So, I know this may seem hard to believe and you probably will freak out. God, what I'm trying to say is, can I stay here?"

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