Omegaverse AU

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When you look at Keith you think of him as a strong, brave, and determined alpha. But instead he is an omega.

He wasn't a usual omega though. He is strong, in fact he is the second best at hand to hand combat on the team. He is also stubborn and hot-headed, but has a heart of gold. And Lance just couldn't help but fall for him.

"You really need to man up and just ask him out." Pidge, a beta with sass, was currently trying to work on her laptop but a certain whiny alpha was distracting her. "But how?!? Besides why would he want an alpha like me?" The blue paladin asks dramatically. Lance has been trying to ask Keith on a date, but every attempt he makes it always ends in Lance freaking out and saying a cheesy pick-up line.

"And he has Shiro, who is an actual alpha and practically his brother." Lance didn't know what to do. Pidge sighed and close her laptop. She looks at the drama boy laying in front of her and slaps him on the head. "OW! What was that for?!" He exclaims. Pidge inhales through her nose, "Look, you're not a usual alpha," she starts. Lance gives her an unimpressed face.

The green paladin continues, "But Keith isn't a usual omega." Lance isn't sure what she's getting at but keeps listening. "And me and Hunk have been picking up hints that Keith likes you too." Lance blushes a bit and before he could say anything Pidge continues, "But the point is that you two in a way complete each other. You see something in him and he sees something in you that isn't like any other typical alpha or omega." She finish.

Lance freezes and takes into consideration of what his friend said. He's more of a follower than a leader and he depends on others. And Keith is shown to take charge in some situations and being alone means taking care of yourself.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and looks to find Pidge with a smile, "So don't feel like you need to be more, Keith likes you the way you are. We all do." Lance gives her a smile and thanks her.

After his talk with Pidge, he walks around the castle. He finds himself in the kitchen and finds Hunk with a tray that have what appears to be blue, goo-like cookies. "Oh hey buddy what's up?" Hunk, his best friend, waves at him after setting down the tray. Lance waved back and takes a seat across from him.

"I'm fine." He replies and reaches his hand out to grab a cookie. Hunk slaps his hand away, "Oh come on!" He complains. "Sorry dude, but I don't want you to burn your hand or your mouth." The yellow paladin states. Lance rolls his eyes, (he loves his best friend and like Pidge he is a beta too).  The two talk for a bit while waiting for the cookies to cool down.

Once the cookies cooled, the two enjoy them (Lance at times is thankful that his friend can cook such delicacies). He then remembers the conversation with Pidge. Seeing as how everyone on this ship care for each other so much, they would still love Lance for himself. "Hey, do you know where Keith is?" He asks. Hunk almost chokes on his third cookie when his friend ask that.

He knows Lance has been dying to ask the red paladin on a date for a while and this might finally be it. He wanted to hug his friend but refrained from doing so and instead he gave a gentle smile, "I think I heard he was in the training room." He answers. Lance thanks him and gets up but grabs two more cookies before leaving. He gives his friend a quick hug and goes to find the hot omega, (because he's the paladin of fire).

Once the alpha makes it to the training room, he stops and watches Keith take out robot after robot. Lance observes his moves and no matter how many times he sees it, Keith is a fighter. He is soon snap out of his little trance until he hears a voice, "Are you just going to stand there or do you have something to say to me?" He looks and find Keith standing about four feet in front of him with a towel in around his neck, a water bottle in his hand, and his hair tied back in a low ponytail, "That should be illegal. How can he be so attractive?!" Lance exclaims in his head.

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