Mermaid AU

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Keith always thought the ocean was a mystery. It's so big and so blue, yet deep down it's dark and who knows what's down there. He would usually find himself walking to the beach to clear his mind and admire the sunrise and sunset. But there was something else, he felt that the ocean was calling him.

It was Saturday day morning, Keith was having breakfast with Shiro. Shiro took him in when he was 12 years old and has been a big brother to him since. "Hey, I'm going out and I won't be back for few hours." Shiro said. "You don't have to say your going to Adam's." Keith replied.

He meant Adam a little while after he met Shiro. Adam is a kind but also stern person who keeps both Shiro and Keith in line. But Keith also saw that Shiro and Adam love each other dearly and couldn't imagine them a part.

Sometimes Keith wonders what it would be like to be in a relationship, but he had a hard time letting people in and only Shiro and Adam were the only two people he felt a connection to. A family connection.

"Besides that," Shiro continued bringing Keith back to the conversation, "I'll be gone for a while and please don't fall asleep on the beach again." He said. Keith rolled his eyes, " It was one time." He said annoyed. Shiro smiled and pat his back, " I know but it was funny." Keith smiled back and resume eating his breakfast.

Shiro left after making sure Keith had everything he needed before getting into his car and driving off to his boyfriend. Keith didn't really have anything in mind, so he decided to head to the gym. He packed some water and a towel then made sure he had his phone and got on his motorcycle.

He was passing by the beach, he looked at it and saw something unusual. Curious, Keith drove to the parking lot near the beach and park his motorcycle. He took off his shoes and walked on the sand, gazing at the sea. He sat down and waited for whatever thing he saw appear again.

After a while, Keith got up, "I must've been seeing things." He told himself. Before he started walking he heard a yelp. At first he thought he imagined it, but he heard another and started jogging in the direction it came from. He soon arrived at the rocky spot on the beach, which was a good place for privacy, because it had an area within it that provides cover from the rest of the beach and had a path connecting to the sea.

"Stop pinching me you greedy crabs!" Keith heard a voice that sounded annoyed and frustrated. When he got through and enter, he was shock. What he saw couldn't even be real. It was a boy around his age, he was lean with a little muscle, along with tan skin and short brown hair. But that's only his upper body, the lower region of his body wasn't even human.

Because what replace his legs was a long, blue, shiny, fish tail. Keith also saw that his ears were longer and had a blue, sparkly tint at the end of them. He didn't move or talk, he was paralyzed by what he thought was suppose to be a myth, a mermaid.

The mermaid was still struggling with the crabs and didn't notice the pile of glass shards that he was so close to. "Stop!" Keith shouted. This got the mermaid's attention, "Don't move. And don't freak out." He made his way towards the boy/creature slowly. Keith then carefully but forcefully removed the crabs and threw them somewhere else.

He then scooped up the glass and moved it away. The mermaid looked at him with eyes the same color of the ocean. Keith looked at him and for a moment they were lost in the other's gaze. The mermaid.. uh merman? Cleared his throat, "Umm thanks." He said, "No problem." Keith replied. The sat in silence, not knowing what to say.

The merman then started a conversation, "So, do you have a name handsome?" He asked with a flirty tone, along with a smirk on his face. Keith didn't know how to respond, "Is this guy flirting with me?" He thought. Granted he is cute, but Keith decided that maybe he could have a little fun. Putting on a smile with mischievous intent, he then flirted back, "Only if you tell me yours beautiful."

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