"We're fine Shiro." Keith said getting the rest of Lance's books and giving them to the Cuban. "U-um, th-thanks." Lance says. Shiro looked at the two then saw a faint glow from both of their arms and smiled. "Well I'll leave you two alone. Oh and don't be late to class." Shiro said leaving to head to his room.

"So-uh-thanks for the help. And sorry for bumping into you." Lance said avoiding eye contact. "You're welcome." Keith said also avoiding eye contact. The two stood for a while not saying anything. Then Keith looked at Lance with a light blush, "Um hey, I know we don't hang around a lot but I see you a lot and hear you're a pretty fun guy to hang around with," The mullet began.

Lance didn't know how to respond, "Is he asking me to hangout with him?" He thought to himself. "And uh, do you want to go do something somewhere?" He finished refusing to look at him. Lance's face was bright red and how could he say no to that, "Yes, absolutely!" He answered a little too eager. Keith was surprised by this and responded equally eager, "Great!" He calmed and continued, "Well when are are you free?" "I'm free Friday." "Do you want to meet at the park?" "Yeah I love the park." "Okay, so um meet at 6?" "Yeah." "Great."

After the exchange they soon departed both with smiles on their faces, "This is really happening." The two thought. A glow catches Lance's eye and he pulled his sleeve back to reveal a new mark has appeared, this time it resembled some kind of wolf/dog.

Friday came and Lance was freaking out. "Oh man! What if I mess this up? Ugh! I'm a mess." Lance thought. He heard a knock , he looked to see his mother enter his room. "Sweetie what's wrong?" She asks in a calming voice. Lance took a breathe and answered her, "It's just I'm suppose to meet Keith in an hour and I'm worried I'll mess it up." He explains.

"Oh Lance, everything will be okay. Just go and have a good time." His mom says with a smile on her face. Lance looked at his mom and smiled, "Thanks." After his talk with his mother, he left the house walking to the park.

When he arrived he saw Keith sitting on a bench. Lance smiled because he looked so handsome. He was wearing a red flannel instead of his usual black shirt and leather jacket. Lance on the other hand was wearing a blue button up shirt with long sleeves to cover his markings still.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." The blue boy said. Keith looked back, a little startled. "O-oh! It's okay." The red boy stuttered. Once Lance made it to Keith they stood for a while in a awkward silence. "Um, do you want to walk around?" Keith suggested. Lance nodded his head and Keith got up.

They walked around the park, talking to each other. They chatted for a while until Lance checked his phone to find out that it's 9 p.m., "Wow, I didn't know it was this late. I better get home." He said.

Keith also checked the time agreeing with Lance, "Your right." But before either of them could depart, Keith grabbed Lance's wrist, "Do you want to hangout some other time?" He asks. Lance looks back at him with a smile, "Yeah. How about the movies?" He says. Keith nodded his head.

The two separated walking to their homes. But unbeknownst to them a soft, purple glow appeared between during the 'date.'

They've been seeing each other a lot lately. It's been about 4 months after their first hangout and Lance received two more markings. A motorcycle and a red lion.

It's now June, and Lance was on the phone with Hunk and Pidge, "I'm telling you man! It's Keith he's your soulmate!" Hunk said excited. "But anyone could have a motorcycle and a dog." Lance says nervously. "Yeah, and their motorcycle would be red and that dog happens to be part wolf as well." Pidge response knowingly.

Lance was blushing mad. The first time he went to Keith's house, he got pounced on by his wolf dog Kosmo. Kosmo is fiercely loyal and protective of Keith and his mom Krolia, who took a liking to Lance immediately along with Kosmo who is actually a giant puppy.

He also learned that Keith owns a red motorcycle and has rode on it many times with Keith. He knows the guy is a hot head and full of fire that no one could blow out.

"Just confess already it can't be that hard." Pidge said annoyed. She along with Hunk have been dealing with Lance's whining for a while and are sick of it. "Yeah and the way you describe Keith, he obviously likes you back." Hunk said comforting his friend.

"Yeah, okay. I'll do it soon." The blue boy said. He says goodbye to them and hangs up. He hears a knock from his door, "Come in." He responds blandly. The door opens to reveal his older sister Veronica. "Hey what's wrong?" She asks concerned for her little brother. "It's just well, Hunk and Pidge think Keith is my soulmate. And even if he is, what if he doesn't -y'know." He says.

Veronica wraps her arms around him, bringing him into a soft embrace. "When you brought Keith here for the first time, we all could see it. I was a little a jealous you got someone that attractive, but you've got nothing to worry about." She says. "You really think so?" He asks. She smiles at him with a loving, sisterly smile, "I know so." She says. He smiles back, then Veronica's smile turned mischievous, "Now get your man or I'll confess for you."

He called Keith to meet with him at the park. He was gonna do it, he was going to tell Keith how he feels and show his marks. He was nervous yes, but he was scared too. But he pulled himself together and walked to the park. He waited for 5 minutes, he heard something pull up and looked over to see Keith walking his way. They went to go sit at the tree at the center of the park.

For a while they didn't say anything, then Lance took a breathe and started, "So um, Keith there's something I've been meaning to tell you." "Yeah?" Keith said looking at him, "I really liked these past few months, I got to know more about you and you got to learn more about me." Lance's face started to turn red he wanted to stop, but he needed to continue, "I don't know about you but I got my soulmate markings and I've got four," Lance pulled back his sleeve, finally revealing his marks.

"I've been hoping it was you and even if I don't have my marks I want to be with you. I really really like you." Lance let out a breathe he's been holding. He waited for Keith to say something. He felt a hand grab his wrist, he looked up to see Keith examining his marks. He looked up at Lance then pulled back his sleeve to reveal his markings.

Lance was shock because his markings were a ball of water, a heart with a mother and child in it, a best friend locket, and a blue lion. He looked at his markings surprised to find that they represent Lance perfectly. He looked at Keith only to find out the other is looking at him, waiting for his reaction.

"I really like you too." The mullet boy started, "I mean this has been the best months of my life, I've never felt something like this before. Only my mom, my dad, Shiro, and my dog were the only people I felt comfortable around. But my dad passed away and I didn't see my mom for a while because she needed time to recuperate. Shiro is like a brother to me and I've know him for a long time. But I find it hard to let people in, that is until I saw you."

Lance was taken back, he never heard Keith sounded so vulnerable and he just wanted to hug him and tell him how much he cares for him. "I want to be with you as well." Keith said. He leaned forward resting his forehead on Lance's. The blue boy wrapped his arms around him. He felt Keith wrap his arms around his waist.

They didn't say anything and after a few moments they looked into each other's eyes and leaned towards one another, both meeting halfway. The kiss was magical and pure. Their markings glowed with a purple hue, their previous markings gone replaced with a Purple Heart and with the other's name.

They departed from their kiss and watch the sunset. "I love you." Lance says with fondness, "Love you too." Keith replied, equally fond.

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