They were living in the not very big castle close to Vengerberg. It was really beautiful place, but what was the most important, this castle was their home which they never had. The castle was set in the middle of forest. Not too far from the castle was a huge lake and meadows. This castle belongs to Francesca Findabair, one of the best Yennefer's friends. She decided to give it to Yennefer as a wedding gift. In the castle also lived Francesca's vassals. One very good female chef, two manciples of castle and three court ladies. They were taking care of castle, but also taking care of them. Francesca was most of the time living on the castle with them. She still adored this place and Triss was coming here very often too. She was staying here when she didn't have her king's duties in Kovir or Temeria.
They enetered into dinning room. The dinner was already prepared and the fire was burning in the fireplace. Yennefer was sitting to the big long table when she noticed them. Then she stood up and smiled at them.
"Mommy!" Jahve started running towards her. Yennefer raised him to her arms.
"My little angel." she kissed him on his cheek. "How was your walk?" she smiled at him.
"We were haunting the deer!" Jahve said with excitement.
"You were hunting?" Yennefer looked at him worriedly.
"Yeah, with daddy.. but Ciri was faster than me and shot him first." Jahve said with disappointment.
"Don't worry, one day you will be as fast as Ciri, I promise.." she caressed his hair and she found Geralt with her eyes. She gave him angry look. Geralt lowered his head. He knew what was coming. He very well heard their conversation. She then noticed Ciri how she was going towards them.
"Ciri, go change your clothes before dinner." Yennefer smiled at her.
"Alright. I'm coming." Ciri winked at her and she continued in her way. Yennefer then went to Geralt. Jahve snuggled closer to her.
"Hm.. as I see we came on time on dinner." Geralt was trying to smile and then he kissed her on her lips. Jahve was watching their every move.
"I must correct you, you had to come on time." Yennefer smiled at him. Geralt knew that she was upset, because her eyes were on fire.
"I know, I was just joking." Geralt laughed. He was trying to reduce the tension between them.
"But I wasn't." her face was serious. Geralt was trying to smile even if he already knew that he had a problem.
"Jahve, you're dirty. You should go wash yourself." Geralt caressed his hair. He wanted to change the topic.
"I wonder what else he was doing when he is so dirty.." Yennefer raised her eyebrow.
Geralt wanted to defend himself, but Jahve was faster then him.
"I was climbing the tree!" Jahve said proudly. Geralt just sighed.
"I'm surprise that your dad let you.. never mind." Yennefer said sarcastically. "Jahve go after Ciri please and wash yourself. Properly." she smiled at him. "Now go." she put him on the floor.
"Alright." Jahve started running away from them. Yennefer raised his eyes on Geralt.

"You told me that you're going for a walk if I'm not mistaken.." she crossed her arms.
"Yen, before you'll start freaking out, just let me explain everything." Geralt said calmly. Sometimes she was so stubborn, that it would be easier to move a mountain than persuade her.
"I'm waiting." she said without emotions. "By the way what was he doing on the tree?" she raised her eyebrow. Geralt sighed again.
"I had no idea that he was climbing on that tree.." she interrupted him.
"Great.. father of the year.." she said sarcastically and sighed.
"Will you let me to finish this? You overreacting again, because nothing happened." Geralt was serious.
"But it could." she stated.
"Yen.." he looked at her seriously.
"Fine.. continue." Yennefer frowned.
"I wasn't planning to hunt, but I saw a deer and I thought it would be good for him to try to shoot on wild animal.. and I was with him, nothing could happen to him." Geralt explained.
"You should not train him like this yet." Yennefer said seriously.
"He is ready." Geralt stated.
"Geralt, he is just seven years old boy!" Yennefer cut him.
"When I was old as him I already killed my first monster." Geralt was defending himself.
"But he is not the witcher. He never will be." she raised her voice.
"He won't be the witcher. I won't let him to be either, but I need to train him like this. He need to be able defend himself." he looked at her seriously and caught her hand. She raised her eyes on him and calmed down.
"I'm sorry.." she sighed. "I'm just afraid about him. He is still so little.. and I don't want to lose him." she lowered her head.
"I understand.. and I know that you're amazing mother who is just protecting her child." Geralt put his hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. She raised her head.
"Do not think that those words and gesture will save you from this situation witcher.. I'm still mad at you.." Yennefer smiled at him.
"I think this already saved me.." he leaned to her and kissed her.
"You have to do more than that.." she was teasing him.
"Do I?" Geralt pushed her closer to himself and started kissing her more passionately. His hand was sliding towards her butt.
"Not here.." she stopped his hand and giggled. "We'll discuss everything later.. I'm not done with you." Yennefer looked at him seriously, then she smiled. Geralt nodded.
"At least we'll have delicious dinner on the next month thanks to Ciri.." he laughed.
"You're not funny.." she smirked and then kissed him on his cheek. "Anyway, Triss and Eskel has arrived. I forgot to tell you." she said with excitement.
"Really? Can't wait to see them." Geralt said happily. Triss was here very often, but he haven't see Eskel almost three years.
"Oh, look. They are here." Yennefer pointed on them when they entered into dinning room.

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