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"Now be quiet and watch." Geralt told him calmly. The deer raised his head and went to another tree. He lowered his head and started eating a grass.
"Focus." he commanded him. "And be ready when I tell you." Geralt almost whispered to him. Jahve took a deep breath. He raised his bow and took the arrow. Then he stretched the string and he was waiting.
Geralt was watching his every move, but with one eye he was also watching the deer. He started training him with sword when he was only four years old. He wanted to teach him how to defend himself. Yennefer didn't want to even hear about it. She wasn't speaking with him because of it almost two weeks. But then she changed her mind and she allowed him to train Jahve, but Geralt had to use his persuasion methods on her. Now was the time to learn him how to use the bow. They were practicing almost half a year already. Geralt was proud of him. He was very skilled and he was getting also very well with fight. Geralt was teaching him every technique which Vesemir showed him long time ago. He was training him also physically. To be able to hold the sword he needed to have a muscles.
Geralt was ready to give Jahve a signal to shoot, but suddenly he heard a noise of breaking wood. Jahve couldn't hear it, but he could. Thanks to his witcher's senses. They weren't alone. Geralt got nervous, but he didn't showed it on himself. He didn't want to scared Jahve.
"Now." Geralt commanded him. Jahve started letting the arow, but in that moment around them flew another arow which wasn't theirs and that arrow hit the deer right into his head. The deer was immediately dead. Jahve's arrows hit the tree next to the deer.
Jahve looked worriedly at Geralt.
"Stay behind me." Geralt caressed his hair and then took his sword. He turned around and started analyzing everything in the forest. He was ready to die for his son if it would be needed.
Suddenly something moved behind the trees. Geralt stretched his hand and squeezed his sword even more. He was waiting.
"Surprise!" the well known voice shouted at them. Geralt in that moment relaxed and lowered his sword.
"Ciri!" Jahve started running towards her when he spotted her.
"She will once bring me into own my grave with these jokes.." Geralt said for himself and shaked his head. He started smiling at them.

"Hey little brother! I missed you.." Ciri raised him from the ground and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you too.." Jahve snuggled closer to her. She looked at him.
"What were you waiting for? When that deer will runaway?" Ciri said with laughing. She was teasing him.
"I was waiting on daddy's sign.." Jahve frowned.
"He would shoot him too if you didn't overcome him.." Geralt said calmly when he came to them. Ciri turned to him.
"I know, he has the best teacher. But the teacher was somehow slow today.." Ciri laughed and put Jahve on the ground. Then she immediately hugged Geralt.
"You're here soon. Shouldn't you come home next week?" Geralt raised his eyebrow.
"Well.. yes, but I passed my exams in Aretuza sooner than I expected." Ciri said proudly. She pulled away from the hug.
"You will never stop surprise me as I see.." Geralt laughed.
"You're getting older witcher, so I have to disperse you." Ciri said with laughing.
"When you grew up so quickly?" Geralt laughed and shaked his head.
"When you've stopped paying attention?" she raised his eyebrow.
"What?" Geralt gave her confused looked. She pointed to the tree with her head. Geralt turned to the direction. He saw Jahve how he was climbing on quite high tree. He quickly imagined every possible future if Jahve would fall and how he would have to explain everything to Yennefer. He didn't want to even imagine it, so he quickly came back to the mind.
"Jahve! Get down from that tree! Immediately!" Geralt shouted at him. Jahve looked at him and lowered his head. He stopped climbing up and then he just jumped down from the tree like it was nothing. Geralt heart almost stopped beating in that moment. But when he saw that Jahve was safe, he calmed down.
"One day I will really get a heart attack because of you two, and the next one will be because of Yennefer obviously.." Geralt sighed.
"Extraordinary persons mean complicated life.." Ciri said with laughing.
"Good to know. Hope I will know it in my next life too.." he was joking.
"Oh C'mon.. your life would be boring without us." Ciri laughed and she hit him into his arm.
"No doubt." he laughed. "I really wonder from whom Jahve has this behavior.." he said sarcastically and looked at her. "He can't even sit on his ass for a minute. He is same as you." Geralt laughed.
"I'm gonna say that he has just the best sister in the world. Nothing else.." Ciri said with laughing. "Come, we should took that deer." Ciri suggested.
"I asume Yennefer already knew about your homecoming." Geralt looked at her hopefully. He wasn't ready to handle or explain more surprises or things now.
"Of course she does. She isn't the right person to make fun of.." Ciri explained.
"Yeah.. believe me, I've already learned it many times." Geralt said thoughtfully.

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