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⌜ chapter ten ⌟

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"Go back to putting books on shelves, like I pay you to do." Tyler says as he walks backward, away from Letty.

"I finished with my aisles." She tells him, her camera aimed at him. "This is a small store, it really doesn't take very long. You're just slow." She says as she continues taking pictures of him.

"She's not wrong." A friend of his, who's sitting on the floor, agrees with her.

"Shut up." Tyler glances at him before going back to what he was doing.

Letty snaps another picture as he looks at the three books that he's holding. "Are you aware that those are upside-down and backward to you?" The brunette asks, and he looks up at her, obviously annoyed.

"You're fired, get out." He tells her, and she smiles from behind her camera.

"No, I think she just discovered why you work so slow." His friend says, and she starts laughing.

An hour later, Letty walks into the Matthews' kitchen. "Hey, Mr. Matthews, can you help me with something?" She asks as she sits down beside his wife.

Eric looks at her for a few seconds, and then returns his attention to the slice of cake that he's eating. The two of them haven't talked much since that day at his father's store, and he has no idea how he's supposed to act around her anymore.

"Sure, but... I thought you were working at the bookstore tonight." Mr. Matthews says as he looks at her.

"Mhm." She nods. "I was, but Tyler fired me."

"What?" Mrs. Matthews looks at her, and she quickly shakes her head.

"Oh, no, it's fine. He does that, like, three times a day. Sometimes while we're at the house."

"And what'd you do this time?" She asks, clearly amused.

"Oh, well, see, I always finish my part before him, and then I proceed to annoy him until closing time. Yeah." She nods. "He fired me, I laughed. He told me to do something productive, I took his picture. He threatened to break my camera, I tried to break his hand. We have a special bond."

"I see."

"I finally left when his friend started flirting with me." The brunette makes a gagging noise, and she laughs.

"What can I do for you, Scarlett?" Mr. Matthews, but then Cory makes his way down the stairs, and they all look at him.

"Cor, it's Friday night. Aren't you going out with Topanga?" His mom asks when she sees that he's in sweats and an old t-shirt.

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