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⌜ chapter two ⌟

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Letty groans as she follows Morgan into the bathroom where the boys are getting ready for the day. The little blonde's carrying her toy as she leads the way out of their room, and the girls hear what Eric's telling his younger brother.

"Now, for the next few years, you're gonna be growing into your look. Everybody understands that. Nobody's gonna give you a hard time about it, okay?"

And then Morgan raises Mr. Potato-Head into the mirror next to her brother's face. "Hi, I'm Cory, and for the next three years, I'm gonna look like a potato." Letty then takes the doll and throws it back into their room. "Hey!"

"Morgan, I've woken up to that potato in my face seven days in a row. You're lucky all he did was fall with style for a few feet." The brunette says as she leans against the wall next to the shower.

"Morning, beautiful." Eric kisses her cheek.

"Can I bury the potato in the yard?"

"She'll find it." He says as he puts his finger under her chin and makes her look up.

"Mm. M-mm." She covers her face. "You're not allowed to kiss me until after I've brushed my teeth." She tells him.

"I don't care about that."

"Now, that's love." Cory says.

"No, that's gross." Morgan retorts, and Letty turns her head to glare at them both.

"Why are you up already?" Eric asks as he steps into her view, ignoring the commentary of his two younger siblings. "You don't have a first period."

"No, I have a Shawn, and he still won't talk to me." The brunette tells him. "I'm going to school early to find him." She explains, and he nods.

They all finish getting ready for the day, and then head to the high school. Letty's walking down the hallway when she sees Topanga and Cory talking a few feet away from their lockers. The blonde suddenly pulls out a pair of scissors, and Cory takes a step back. She cuts off a lock of dirty-blonde hair and then hands it to Cory, and Letty's eyes widen as she watches the scene unfold. Topanga pulls all of her hair to one side and continues chopping.

The blonde starts to walk away from him, but then she catches a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror that Shawn has in his locker. Her eyes widen as she drops her bag and walks over to get a closer look at what she just did to herself.

"She's gonna scream now." Shawn says as he looks at his best friend, and then she does exactly that.

"It's okay. It's okay, it's just a little hair." Topanga's saying as Letty walks over to them. "It has nothing to do with who I am. I am still Topanga Lawrence, and nobody who cares about me will even notice, right?" She asks as Feeny walks over to the four of them.

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