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⌜ chapter seven ⌟

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"Alright, can you straighten up—"

"Done." Letty says as she puts more film in her camera.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say." Tyler argues.

"I straightened all the shelves when I got here, and we've only had two customers since." She tells him. "They didn't screw anything up because they didn't buy anything."

"And you straightened up behind the counter?"


"And this is why you're now harassing me with that stupid camera?" He quirks an eyebrow, and she smiles as she looks at him over the device that's driving him crazy.

"Well, it's kinda hard to be sad when I'm bugging you. You're my emotional support Tyler." She tells him, and he narrows his blue eyes at her. "Like a dog. Only I don't have to clean up after you... That, and Alec said that I can't have a dog."

With that, Tyler walks away to find something to make her do while she takes pictures around the shop. He doesn't understand what she's doing, and she doesn't care what he thinks. He ignores her when she takes a few pictures of him, but then her lens is suddenly blocked by two twenties.

"Go down to Chubbie's, get us some dinner." The older boy tells her. "Take your time."

"This is too much for food from Chubbie's." She says as she takes the cash from between his fingers.

"I don't care — it's an early Halloween bonus. Get out."

"Well, that's rude." She mutters as she stuffs the money in her back pocket. "Luckily, I don't care, and I like money. What do you want?"

"Burger, fries, soda."

"Could you possibly eat more like a hunter?" She questions.

"Didn't say anything about beer." He says, and she tilts her head to the side in half shrug, knowing that that's actually a pretty good point.

"Be back in half an hour."

"Make it an hour."

"And I thought Reggie was the— Hi. Welcome to Price's Bookstore." The brunette greets the two teenagers that just walked in. "Feel free to look around. If you need any help, the guy right over there in the red t-shirt will be more than happy to answer any questions you have."

"Thank you." The older woman walking in behind them smiles at her, and then she heads out of the shop to walk over to Chubbie's.

She's walking down the steps into the restaurant when she hears a female voice singing. "...for listening to my songs, and only taking two calls. And I'll try to be more edgy, but I can't right now 'cause I'm looking at a...dandelion." She's playing a guitar as she sings in one of the booths.

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