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Frantic footsteps echoed throughout the hall of the nursing room in the school. Each sound bounced off the walls making their presence known to everyone in the vicinity. "You're incessant pacing isn't helping you know!" Louis snapped suddenly making the rest of the drams club members jump. "Well neither is standing around and doing nothing." Legoshi shot back. "We don't exactly have unlimited medical knowledge at our disposal right now so face the fact that there is nothing we can do right now!" Louis growled standing up. Legoshi started growling as Louis stared him down. Bill stepped between them, raising his paws as to keep the two apart. "Listen you two! None of this is going to help (Y/n)! So please, calm down." Bill said speaking over the two arguing with each other.

The deer and wolf turned away from each other, both in a sour mood. "Listen we're all worried about (Y/n), and considering the relationship between you three I can understand why you both are lashing out the way you are. Right now however, all we can do is simply hope that he hasn't already... well, you know." Bill explained. Legoshi sighed as his expression softened a bit. "Right. Let's just wait for the news." Louis spoke softly. Bill sighed in relief. "Honestly who knows what's going to happen if this keeps up." Bill said under his breath.

The door to the nursing room opened and immediately everyone jumped up to face the nurse who walked out. The nurse faced the large crowd looking at her with expectant gazes. "Well?" Bill asked as Legoshi and Louis stared at her intensely. "It's not good." The nurse replied. Legoshi and Louis looked away as they became more impatient and frantic. What other horrible news could she have to offer after that statement alone? "He lost a lot of blood, there is a huge hole in his left side which has yet to close any time soon, and he is very weak." As she spoke, each word stabbed at the wolf and deer, mercily tearing apart their heart strings as if they reveled in their suffering. He was going to die wasn't he? "However, he is stable enough for to see him. Just don't do anything drastic or we might have to put him on life support." The nurse added that last part a bit bluntly and walked off carrying some papers with her.

As soon as she was out of sight, Legoshi and Louis were the first ones in the room while everyone walked in after them. What the two saw shattered their already broken hearts. (Y/n) was lying on one of the many hospital beds in the room. His shirt was off and bandages were wrapped around his stomach covering his side, which had seemingly lost a large portion of skin, making it look like a large empty curve where part of his intestines should be. The fox looked at them with a smile. "It's less than ideal, but it's better than nothing I guess." The fox said rather mistfully. Legoshi and Louis immediately rushed to his side. "Are you okay?" "Does anything hurt?!" "Do you need me to get you anything?!" The questions flooded out like water rushing out of a broken damn. "I'd like to have some alone time with Legoshi and Louis if you all don't mind." The fox requested.

"Are you sure?" Bill asked in concern. (Y/n) nodded and smiled at his clubmates all looking at him with pity. Bill sighed. "Alright everyone, let's give these guys some privacy. We still need to clean up the stage." Bill said herding everyone out of the room. Shutting the door behind him the room fell eerily silent. "Ah here's your staff, when you'll be able to walk again." Legoshi said holding it out for his lover. (Y/n) however merely pushed back towards Legoshi. "(Y/n)? Is something wrong?" Louis asked as Legoshi's ears folded against his head to contribute to his sad face. "I'm not sure if I'm going to make it Adler." (Y/n) said as a tear flowed down his cheek. "What do you--" "I've been hospitalized before but, it was never as bad as this. I don't think I'll be touching my staff again any time soon." (Y/n) explained.

"B-but surely there must be some way to fix this. There's always a cure!" Legoshi said in desperation. "Not this time. The doctors tried many things to fix my condition, none of them worked. In time they decided my condition was untreatable, and thought it was best I live out my life the way I wanted without being hooked up to a monitor 24/7." The fox explained. "Which is why you had this staff with you the first time we met." Louis said looking down. "It was merely so I didn't have to rely on anyone to keep me company wherever I went. I made it very clear I didn't wany anyone to follow me around like some lost child hoping I would take them back to their parents." The fox added looking at his staff with a somber look.

"But what about the play? The Drama Club, what about us?! Were we not going to be happy together?" Legoshi asked on the verge of tears now. "We were, but life got in the way. We can't always get what we want, but I'm happy to have spent at least some of my time with you both." (Y/n) spoke as tears flooded his face. Legoshi was sobbing quietly as Louis kept staring at the floor. "Come visit me again whenever you want. I think Legoshi needs some time to calm down. "Calm down?! How am I supposed to calm down?! You're going to die any minute and all you can say is that I should calm down?!" Legoshi shouted suddenly burying his head into the fox's stomach. (Y/n) merely petted the wolf's head as his tears shwoed no sign of stopping. Louis leaned onto his shoulder and the fox rested his other arm on the deers head. What was he supposed to do?

Outside the door, a figure clenched his fists, hating to see his friend in this position. Angry at how unfair life had been to the fox, the figure turned and left, deadset on using something that was forbidden by his family. He didn't care what the price was, he would do anything for the one who had so willingly accepted his fate.

The walk through the city was unbearable, but he didn't care. Nothing else mattered to him anymore. He wouldn't make it to see the next day anyway. First however, he'd have to go through his crazy family to get what he needed. Finally stumbling upon his family home, he took in a breath. Who knows how he would be greeted. Nevertheless this was necessary to his goal. Walking up the stairs to the porch, the old wood creaked under his paws, and he reached the door. He raised his paw...

"I know you're there" the door opened to reveal a puma almost as tall as the doorway. "You always were a bit noisy Niku." The puma said. "I just came here to get something." Niku replied taking a step forward. The puma's paw slammed against the doorway. "This something wouldn't happen to be that now would it?" He said with a growl in his throat. "I'm going to get it, with or without taking your life. Considering all we've been through together, I prefer not to have your blood on my hands brother." Niku said glaring at his relative.

"Fine, your death-wish is your problem anyway. I have better things to do than to watch whatever this is going to be." The puma said walking away from the doorway and into another part of the house. Niku walked in and shut the door behind him. "Kanu is home, just in case you forgot about her." The puma called from a different room in the house. "Of course she has to be here." Niku cursed with a scowl. He went upstairs, creaking wood complimenting his footsteps. He reached a door and opened it. It was his old room. There was a small dagger where his bed used to be.

He walked toward the dagger and picked it up in his paw. "Of course she wants to fight. After all she is a bit crazy." Niku said under his breath. "Miss me dear brother?" A psychotic snarl could be heard from the doorway. "It doesn't have to be this way you know. You could just let me go and get what I need." Niku offered calmly, not daring to look at her. "But that wouldn't be any fun now would it? Surely you know this is going to end--" SHULK!! "Of course I did. I just hoped for a different ending." Niku said walking past his sister,  a long slash across her throat. She smiled as she fell to the ground, for a moment she thought her brother didn't have it in him. She loved how he had proved her wrong. She relished in such joy as she bled out into death.

Continuing on after the mess he had just made. Niku reached a final room at the end of the second floor. He opened the door to find a traditional japanese room. It was as clean as can be despite the state of the rest of the house. In the middle was a sunken fireplace, carrying a white flower of which had yet to bloom. "Before you do this, tell me. Who is so important that you would risk all of this just to save them?" The puma from earlier asked standing behind Niku. "An arctic fox at Cherryton High, they have a bunny tail and are wrapped with bandages around their midsection." Niku said mistfully. "Does this fox have a name?" The puma asked. "(Y/n), his name is (Y/n)." Niku walking in and closed the door.

The sunken fireplace had suddenly filled with water. The flower stood up a bit, as if it knew what he was here for. Niku took the dagger and washed it in the water. The entirety of the small pool turned red. Removing his shirt and jacket, Niku raised the dagger to his chest. A tear flowed down his cheek. In one quick motion, he buried the dagger in his chest, and slowly drug it down his entire torso. Bleeding and full of pain, Niku set down the dagger next the pool of water. Losing consciousness he fell on his side next to the pool of water. His blood flowed from his wounds and into the water. The water turned black and the flower bloomed as it's petals turned from white to black.

"If life is unfair... I'll... be unfair... right... back..." Those last words echoed throughout the room as his life ebbed away. He wasn't sad. He had a good life and certainly wasn't interested in turning old and wrinkley any time soon. If anything this was a win win situation for him. He just hoped it wouldn't have all been for nothing.

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