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You were nervous. Butterflies were relentlessly pounding against your stomach as if they were trying to kill you to get out. You had never performed something like this in front of others. Especially not in front of a few hundred people. Your pacing certainly wasn't helping calm everyone's nerves. You had designed this play in almost every single aspect. You were at the forefront of the costumes, the acting, the sets, the props, no one else knew how much was weighing on your shoulders. If anyone messed up it'd be on your shoulders. You kept pacing in your costume until...

"Hey." A familiar paw placed itself upon your shoulder. You turned to see Louis looking at you with a sympathetic expression on his features. "Just go out there and be the character you are. There's no reason to be so nervous if you enjoy yourself and forget about the audience." Louis assured you with one of his rare smiles. Another paw found it's way on your other shoulder. "Of course, even if we mess up we'll find a way to laugh it off in the end." Legoshi smiled, his tail wagging wildly. "Just ignore the possibility of social isolation and you'll be good little guy!" Bill assured in a backwards manner.

The butterflies were flying around as if desperately trying to find a way out. The deer and wolf grabbed the tiger's arm. "A-agh! H-hey it's still sore! Ooww!!" The tiger exclaimed in more than slight pain. "Why in the world are you saying such things? Are you trying to scare him?!" Louis scolded the tiger. "Okay okay I'm sorry ooww!!" Bill continued. You started dusting off your kimono as to distract yourself from what was and was about to happen. Bill was kneeling and holding his arm as to not ruin his costume.

Louis was wearing a kimono similar to yours with several accessories to distinguish his rank from yours within the play's universe. Bill was wearing an armor befitting a war general, but also making it clear he was an emperor as well. Legoshi was wearing a small slightly torn up yukata with bandages covering anything that may have been exposed without them, there was also a couple of bandages wrapped around his right eye.

You were very specific with the prop team about how you wanted them to look. Louis' colors of black, pink, and golden yellow were supposed to represent dusk, a time of which grants Magus a small ounce of peace. Bill's colors were white, black, and red, respresenting Baku's warmonger like nature. Legoshi's colors were grayish cyan, hydrangea purple, and white, representing how gentle Arson truly is. Your colors were purple, ocean blue and red, representing the water and lightning that cause the bloodshed Tachi so often experiences.

"Relax, we're gonna get through this. One way or another the audience will remember us." Legoshi spoke, letting his gentle aura wash over the room. You blushed and relaxed. Somehow he was really adept at knowing what words to say to ease your nerves. "Thanks for that." You responded as you finished setting your kimono. "Well it's almost time to start our performance, get ready everyone!" Louis announced to the club. Everyone began to prepare themselves. Reciting lines, rehearsing choreography, anything they could to make sure they were ready. "Cotton Tail." Louis called you over to him. "I'll be seeing you Arson." You told Legoshi with a smile. "You as well Tachi." The wolf said winking at you. Your blush grew as you arrived at Louis' side. "Hey, don't forget about me." Louis said calmly. "Of course not. Shall we?" You asked him. He nodded and you two walked out on stage towards the small table set up with the oriental temple background.


The sky was filled with a clean scent of vegetation and tea. Cutting over the clouds was a mountain supporting a fairly large temple sporting the symbols of the Inari Clan, foxes. It is said that this place used to be a gathering site for spirits and mortals alike when times were much simpler. However, an incident occuring within the temple caused outrage, and sparked a battle that destroyed the very structure that represented their desire for peace. Many years had passed since the temple had been abandoned and left to rot. One day a lone fox spirit came and saw the tragedy that befell such a sacred place. Sadness filled his heart, for this symbol of peace had been the starting point for many happy memories to come in the following years.

Beastars: Act of War (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now