Sudden Change

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(Y/n) opened his eyes, he groggily raised his head to see Louis changing into his clothes. "Adler?" The fox asked. Louis turned his head to find the sleepy fox looking at him. He quickly but quietly walked over to the bedside. "Morning Cotton Tail." Louis cooed. The deer had a warm smile on his face. "What are you doing? What time is it?" (Y/n) asked unable to focus his eyes. Louis began petting the fox's head. "That doesn't matter right now. Just keep sleeping. I have some business to take care of at the Drama Club. Sweet dreams." Louis said. His voice was soft and soothing, like a cozy fluffy blanket. "Mmm~." The fox laid his head back down and slowly drifted off to sleep. The last thing he saw was Louis walking to the door, where there stood a tan and brown figure. "Let's go, boss." A deep growling voice spoke. Boss?

A few hours later Legoshi was the one to wake. He propped himself up on his elbow looking around. Louis and his clothes were gone. "Louis?" The wolf called. No answer. "Louis!" The wolf said a bit louder. Still no answer. Legoshi turned to see (Y/n) sleeping peacefully. He began to gently shake the fox. "Cottontail, wake up." The wolf urged. The arctic fox groaned in protest but nevertheless woke up anyway. "What is it puppy dog?" He asked groggily rubbing his eyes. Legoshi thought the fox looked cute when he was sleepy but now was not the time for that. "Where's Louis? Wasn't he here last night?" Legoshi asked a bit frantically. (Y/n) rubbed his eyes again thinking about what he saw a few hours ago. "Yeah Louis was here last night, I think he left a few hours ago. Something about needing to take care of business at the Drama Club." The arctic fox said swaying a bit.

"The Drama Club! The headmistress will chew us out if we don't get back in time. We gotta--agh!" "Hey!" Legoshi moved only to feel something pulling on his special area. He also somehow pulled (Y/n) with him. "Still knotted puppy dog." The fox groaned from the sudden wave of pleasure. Legoshi pinned (Y/n) to the bed doggy style. "Hey what are you--?!" Legoshi spanked him. "Nnh~. Legoshi?" The fox moaned. The wolf gritted his teeth and began test tugging against the fox's ass. "Come on you gotta get loose so I can pull out. We need to get back to school." The wolf growled pinning the fox by both his shoulders. "Ah~ puppy~. I don't think we can-- AH~!!" (Y/n) tried protesting but was soon cut off from Legoshi suddenly pulling as hard as he could. The wolf struggled and relaxed, obviously needing another pull. The fox under him moaned out into the room, loving the feeling of being so full yet unable to be emptied. "Grr, come on Cotton Tail. I know you love it but you gotta let go." Legoshi growled. (Y/n) was panting under him, barely able to think straight. "I... I'm trying puppy~. Naah~." The fox moaned again, feeling another large tug.

The fox's hole started to give and Legoshi pushed even harder. A lot of wet sounds and moans filled the room. Anyone passing by would assume they were doing the opposite of what they were currently attempting. "Grah!" Legoshi gave a final push and finally pulled out of his fox. (Y/n) arched his back. "AH~!!" The fox borderline screamed in pleasure, his tongue hanging out of his muzzle. His eyes went half-lidded, almost exhausted from all the pleasure he just experienced. Cum began to leak from his hole staining the bed. "That was-- gah!" Legoshi suddenly picked him up, cutting him off. "No time to rest in the afterglow. We need to shower and get to school before they say off with our heads." Legoshi said dragging his fox to the bathroom. "H-hey! Slow down puppy!" (Y/n) said trying his best to keep up with the wolf.

A shared shower and a lot of running later, the two arrived at the entrance gate to Cherryton Academy. Exhausted and out of breath, they fell to the ground. "We have 9 minutes before our first class!" Legoshi said in between his exasperated breaths. (Y/n) panted and swayed a bit. "C... can we slow down? I need some water." The fox said grabbing onto the gate and pulling himself up. Legoshi pulled himself to his feet and picked up the fox in a piggyback ride. "H-hey! Puppy!" The fox gasped. Suddenly the wolf was speeding off into the school, dodging between students, carnivore and herbivore alike before bursting into their designated classroom with 2 minutes to spare. "Ah Legoshi, Mr, Tachibana. I was beginning to think we were going to have to start without you." The teacher said with a curious smile on his face. Legoshi awkwardly set (Y/n) down and scooched a bit away from him. "Uh sorry, sir. Got caught up with something." The wolf apologized. The teacher nodded not prying any further. "That's quite alright. Please take your seats. Now, on the topic of..." The teacher began his lecture but the wolf and fox tuned him out as they sat in their respective seats. The chicken between them was slightly suspicious of the two.

Beastars: Act of War (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें