The Secret (Part 1)

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"We need to call the police!" The eagle suggested in urgency. "This the black market we're talking about, the only reason why all the adults get along in this society. I seriously doubt that they're going to even deploy at least one officer." Bill retorted knowing the relationship between the two areas of the world. "Nnngg! Damnit!" Legoshi's cursing was quickly followed by a loud slam. He had his friend's bo staff of which was discarded by the criminals who had kidnapped him. "Shouldn't we at least tell Louis?" The eagle asked. "What is he supposed to do?! Herbivores aren't allowed outside thanks to what happened with Tem." Bill shot back. "He has influence on certain departments, surely he could figure something out." The eagle responded. "Louis' main concern right now is that stupid play, you know, the one that (Y/n) is directing!" Bill responded in agitation.

"Which is why we need to tell him about--" "Bill, where is this black market?!" Legoshi suddenly asked. "Huh, oh it's around here, we're quite close actually." Bill said checking his phone containing a personal map to the black market. "You're not seriously thinking--" "WE DON'T HAVE A CHOICE!!" Legoshi yelled. "Now I'm going to go find (Y/n) and I'm going to do it with or without your help so are you coming or not?!" Legoshi growled. The other two were surprised. No one had ever seen Legoshi like this. He was usually always so calm and collected, albeit a bit awkward. "Look we'll come with you but we seriously need to get back before the head mistress finds out we're gone." Said the eagle. "Don't count me out! I owe him one for giving me a role in his play." Bill said cracking his knuckles. "Let's go then." Legoshi said clenching (Y/n)'s bo staff in his paw.

After a few minutes of walking around the three came to an alleyway that seemed more trashy than most. "We're right on top of it, where is it?" Bill asked looking at his personal map again. They started looking around, all they could see was a couple of buildings, some trashcans and a lone goat sitting by himself. There was an air of pathetic misery surrounding him. Bill and Legoshi looked at each other. Legoshi approached the man. "Um, excuse me. Would you happen to know where the black market is?" The wolf asked politely. "Take a finger... any finger..." the man wheezed in a raspy voice. "What?!" Legoshi asked in shock. "... just please sir... finish it in one bite." The man wheezed out, finishing his sentence.

"What the-- that's not what we're here for!" Legoshi growled in anger. "Please sir... do it in one bite." The goat wheezed out again. "Hey if I pay for that finger, it's mine to eat right?!" Bill asked in excitement. "What are you doing?!" Legoshi asked, wondering why Bill would ask such a question. "Listen I'm hungry and I need something to eat!" Bill growled as his belly growled a bit. "We're not allowed to eat meat of any kind!" Legoshi shot back. "Bill, in this situation I'd agree with you but remember why we're here!" The eagle warned. "Grr fine! Let's just find (Y/n)." Bill growled in defeat.

Out of nowhere a truck they assumed to be a wall started oulling out of the alleyway revealing a huge market filled to the brim with meats of all kinds. "This has to be the place." The eagle said in astonishment. "No doubt about it, though they do seem to be lacking the discreet vibe." Bill said scratching his head. "Come on let's go!" Legoshi commanded practically running to the market. "Legoshi wait up!" Bill called going after him with the eagle following suit.

As soon as they entered the market the trio started to ask people if they had seen an arctic fox similar recently. "No can't say I have." One stranger replied. "If he is here I'm not sure if he's still alive or not. Either way I haven't seen anyone like him." Another one said confused as to why he was so important. "Surely he wasn't kidnapped for the sole purpose of providing meat! Doesn't it seem like there would be a bigger reason for doing so? However still I have not seen him." A third stranger replied in a weird way. Everywhere they turned and asked they found nothing. Nobody here had seen (Y/n) at all.

"Damnit if he wasn't kidnapped for food then where is he?!" Bill growled, not sure what to do. "No. There's no way he isn't here. That van those criminals escaped in wasn't just some run of the mill rental car." The eagle said with a determined tone. "Well if he is here how come no one's seen him?!" Asked Bill. Legoshi could barely concentrate. The idea that his small snow fox was being cut up into small pieces of meat to serve some oblivious idiot mixed with the idea of being out so late and possibly angering Louis weren't exactly instilling happy thoughts in him. The arguing wasn't helping either.

"It's because this is just where they sell and cook the food, we need to find where the 'prep area' is." The eagle explained. "I don't care what we have to do, we just need to find him!" Legoshi growled as his anger was vlose to overflowing at this point. "Get all your arctic bbq meats here! This booth has a specialty for putting the 'barb' in barbeque, if you know what I mean!" A loud but familiar voice called out into the market. Legoshi ran in the direction of the voice to see none other than... Niku?!

Tokyo, Japan                 Citizen ID
Name: Niku
Classification: carnivore  
Puma Puma concolor
Birthday: 5/9
ID Number: 68423

"Where are those idiots and what's taking them so long?" Louis asked himself in annoyance. It had gotten pretty late into the night and the deer was simply sitting by himself in his penthouse dorm room scowling out the window. "The school curfew has long since passed, they should've been back by now!" Louis started pacing back and forth around the room, his feet almost gliding across the floor. Although Louis was mostly concerned about all of them and what may have happened, there was one person he couldn't get off his mind.

(Y/n). He had been wondering what the arctic fox thought about what he had said the night the two met up with each other to discuss the deal he had proposed to him. Did (Y/n) feel like fulfilling his desires to be put under such a feelings again or did he just simply not care. Neither of them hadn't really mentioned it since it happened but needles to say he was still worrying about it. "Damn it did something happen?! He's probably gotten in to some messed up situation right now." Louis growled to himself cursing the fact that he wasn't allowed outside.

This type of thinking was killing him. Perhaps they had gotten back and were probably asleep in their dorms by now. Louis stopped pacing and headed for the door. Getting out into the halls he began to descend to the canine dorm room. He didn't care that anyone might be asleep, his main concern right now was the safety of his friends. Getting to his destination he knocked on the door. After a few minutes of waiting, Jack opened the door in his underwear and rubbing his eye. "Where is that dumb wolf?!" Louis demanded. "They still aren't back yet, who knows where they are." Jack yawned.

Louis growled. "You're Legoshi's best friend right? Where in the world would he possibly go to waste time?!" Louis asked glaring very creepily at the retriever. "I don't know, we haven't been to the city in forever." Jack groaned. "Why are you so worried anyway? Shouldn't you get to bed to have enough energy for the next club meeting?" Jack asked. Louis huffed and simply walked off. "Well goodnight." Jack said closing the door while yawning.
Louis had gone back to his own dorm room and flooped on the bed. What was this feeling he had? Why in the world was he so worried about Legoshi and (Y/n)?

Ring ring, ring ring

Louis jumped and immediately pulled out his phone. The number name read 'Bill'. Louis immediately answered the call angry as a wild boar. "Where the hell are you idiots?! Don't you know how late it is past your curfew?!" Louis scolded. "Louis..." Bill started quietly. "You're lucky the head mistress hasn't found out yet!! Honestly what are you even doing?!" The deer continued. "LOUIS!!!" Bill shouted. "WHAT?!" Louis shouted back into the phone. Louis' eyes widened. The only sounds that could be heard was the pattering of the rain outside and the phone harshly hitting the floor.

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