The Audacity

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You were walking through the hall, using your staff as a cane. The pain had gone down a bit, but not enough to to allow you to walk on your own. Still you kept walking, the pain would go away sooner or later, and you preferred it to disappear as fast as it could. While hobbling around with your weapon as a walking stick, you could smell the other animals in their dorms and traveling through the halls. You hadn't encountered anyone yet, and you would like it if stayed that way. The last thing you need right now is anyone's pity or concern. As appreciated as it is that someone cares about you, at the same time you could take of yourself.


Legoshi was worried about you, but not in the way everybody else was worried. He seemed concerned about more than if you were capable of walking. It was almost as if he was growing attached to you. It was possible that he was going to become clingy, but Legoshi wasn't that type of person. One thing was for certain though, you couldn't get that stupid deer out of your head. Come to think of it, your book smelled of him, despite looking like it hadn't been touched in a few days. Honestly who does he think he is?

First he antagonizes an entire misunderstanding with your business involving the Drama Club, and now he has the audacity to read something personal to you?! Yeah sure, he may not have known, but you don't just start digging through things that don't belong to you. It was a wonder how everyone in the school thinks he's all that. The girls were either falling head over heels for him or simply gossipping about him, and the boys were either being jealous or asking for his autograph. Why everyone was crawling all over each other for the guy wasn't apparent to you in the slightest bit.

Though you had to admit, for a herbivore he was being really bold with the people around him, even if they were carnivores. That took some guts. Especially considering that they, including you, could easily take him down a few notches in a matter of seconds. Still you had to give him credit, as far as you were concerned, he had the entire school practically worshipping him. The behaviour of the students seemed to prove that little fact. If anything it was kinda hot.



That scent was more familiar to you than the back of your paw. That idiot was roaming through the halls. From the smell of it he seemed to be walking toward you. "Grr, shit." You growled under your breath. You turned around the best you could and started hobbling as fast as you could back to your dorm room. The last thing you wanted was to have another "conversation" with that dictator of a student, no matter how sceretly attracted you were to him. If that was even possible.

His footsteps were coming closer. You tried going faster but your side thought otherwise and the searing pain spiked again. "Nnf!" You were able to keep your groan quiet, but some part of you was certain he heard that. "Hm." You heard his voice carrying a tone of curiosity. His footsteps were getting louder. You were so close now. You just had to reach the door and close it behind you.

"Hey you, the arctic fox." His voice called out not being polite yet not being demanding either. You cursed yourself for not being faster, you cursed your stupid pain, you cursed it all. Now you had to sit through his shit again. You turned around to face him. "May I ask as to what you want?" You responded with the slightest hint of hostility in your voice. "I think I should be asking what you're doing in the halls with that weapon of yours." He shot back, clearly offended by the very fact that you were questioning him. "It's called walking, I happened to have a cramp in the middle of my afternoon and decided the best thing to do was to stretch my leg out." You said gritting your teeth.

"Hmph, even if that's true why a bo staff?" He asked suspicious of you, just like last time. "So you expect me to just rip off a piece of school property for the sake of my cramp?" "Why not go to the nurse--" "Because it's just a cramp, why is it such a big deal?!" You asked getting angry at the fact that he felt he had authority over the entire conversation. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see several others had opened their doors and were trying to listen in on the conversation. Since you didn't care about his opinions of you anymore you might as well ask him. "Did you read it?" You asked him.

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