Acting and Directing (Part 2)

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"Of course a spirit would think they're so high and mighty, especially with all that wisdom they proclaim to have!" Baku snarled at you, carelessly brandishing his Guan Dao at you. You and Arson had been traveling to see the Sakura trees which had been in bloom since yesterday. "Better to be wise than to be dead. Which is a fate that will befall you if you do not surrender now Baku!" You snarled back at him readying your bo staff. "Hey, why don't we all go see the Sakura trees together?" Arson suggested trying to diffuse the fight between you two.

"Ha! If it were up to me I would chop down every one of those worthless lumps of wood!" Baku yelled in pride of his attitude. You back kicked Arson away from the scene. "Run Arson." You commanded. "But Tachi--" "I said Run you stupid idiot! Believe me, this is the last thing you need to see." You growled glaring at Baku. Letting out a warcry Baku charged at you. You chared forward as well, keeping your gaze fixed on the brute before you. Baku twirled his Guan Dao around before bringing the blade swinging down toward you. You manuevered your staff and brought one end to meet the wooden area of the Guan Dao, effectively stopping it in it's tracks.

"Cut!" A familiar voice shouted. You were back on stage being face to face with bill before bringing the wooden props apart from each other. "That's enough rehearsals for today. Everyone get to your dorms and get some rest." Louis ordered everyone, grabbing a towel and throwing it you. You caught the rag and wiped it over forehead, that last scene had really taken it's toll on you. "Man that was awesome! You should be the Drama Club's official director!" Bill cheered wrapping his arm around you. "Oh I don't know about that." You said in embarrassment. Legosi got up and merely walked off stage, ignoring everyone who tried to grab his attention.

"What's up with Legosi?" Bill asked in confusion. He was unaware of what happened between you two before rehearsals. "It probably has something to do with the acting role I gave him. He didn't seem to happy about it." You said looking down in guilt. "Well that's just the part he got, if he's not happy about it he could always just quit." Bill said in a surprisingly nonchalant but threatening tone. "What?" You questioned unsure of what he meant. "I'm just saying if he doesn't like the rile he was given then he doesn't have to act. He's the one in charge of the lights anyway." Bill stated bluntly, his friendly tone slightly disappearing.

You didn't know what to say. Weren't the two of them friends or something. After all they do seem to be on good terms with one another. Then again, there may or may not be some rivalry in the club you weren't aware of. Whatever it was you needed to get going, staying here wasn't gonna get anything done. "Well I'll be going now. Adjustments and work have to be done." You said removing yourself from Bills half embrace. Getting back to the clubroom, you quickly gathered your things and headed for the exit. As you were nearing the door however, you felt something grab your shoulder. "(Y/n)." It wad Louis. You turned around and faced the deer. "Hello Louis. Do you need something?" You asked politely.

"Yes actually. I need you to go out with the other predators and get some items we need. Apparently we forgot to restock on replacements." Louis said in irritation. "Sorry." A blue peacock called out sounding guilty about something. "Hey what about the herbivores?" One of the dance members asked. "Herbivores aren't allowed outside, and everyone here would know exactly why." Louis said walking toward the door. "Go get the items and come straight back here, and don't even think about going to the black market." Louis commanded as he closed the door behind him.

Oh, that's right, there was a black market of meat that the adults use. Mainly for fighting off the urges that came with being a carnivore. You hadn't gone to it in a while so you had forgotten that the place even existed. "Well you heard the man, let's go before he get's angrier." You said walking out the door as well. You went to get Legosi as he had left before he could hear what Louis had to say. You decided to run as this was more than likely a time sensitive issue for the noble albeit controlling dear.

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