On the Side

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Niku was walking along the road, his bag in paw, the scenery passing him by, and smelling like smoked chicken.
He looked down at the cracks in the sidewalk, remembering how each one had formed and their position in relation to other cracks. He had always done this when walking back home, something to keep his mind occupuied due to how active it could be. A few minutes had gone by and the puma had arrived at the doorstep to his home. The place was rundown, mold and rot sporadically encompassing the house. What you would expect from a Japanese half traditional half modern home which had been standing where it had been for two decades.

He sighed and reluctantly grabbed the knob, turning it and then opening the door. The creaking of the hinges filled the silence of the home as he was greeted by a grumpy-looking older version of himself. "You're later than usual." He said quite literally looking down at him. "Gee sorry we can't all bow to your schedule at every opportunity Kinu. Besides, it was a busy night tonight. There were a lot of predators and they sure were hungry." Niku explained going to a closet in the hallway and setting his stuff down. A thin shabby-looking puma with matted fur and a lithe body came through the hallway. She saw and she began laughing while staring at him creepily. She continued to do so as she walked up the stairs on all fours, her eyes disappearing in the darkness.

"What's up with Kanu today?" Niku asked continuing to put his stuff away as if nothing had happened. "She kept going on about this dream that she had all morning. Apparently, you kill her and then yourself for the sake of blooming the flower upstairs. She wouldn't explain as to why, though I can guess." Kinu said crossing his arms. Niku suddenly paused, remembering the affliction of which his best friend was suffering. "Listen, whatever is going on, I'm warning you, don't bloom the flower. It hasn't even bared its seeds yet. If you use it now it won't be able to repopulate." Kinu said glaring daggers at the back of Niku's head.

Niku sighed and took on a glare of his own. He turned to face his brother, anger flaring up in his throat. "Have you ever maybe considered that it shouldn't repopulate?" Niku's words pierced the air around him. Kinu's eyes widened a bit. Niku had never asked a question like this, nor had he ever stood up to him about this particular topic. "It seems you're not the only one constantly thinking about the flower aren't you? I know the risks and I know the demands. If the time comes that should I come for the flower, don't try and stop me. It'd be a shame if all three of us would have to die for this stupid plant." Niku scowled as he turned and began walking up the stairs.

Reaching the top, he found Kanu squatting in front of him. She laughed and backed up into the door that led to her bedroom. It closed, cutting off any contact with her and the room. Niku sighed and turned to his left and looked down to the end of the hallway. There was that damned door of which he hated so much, his sister guarded so fiercely, and his brother of which respected a bit too much for his liking. The door opened revealing his sister's laughing face. Somehow she was able to get from room to room without walking through the halls, but he didn't question it. The door closed and he turned to the door on his left. He opened it to be greeted by the smell and sight of lavender flowers around his room. He walked in and closed the door behind him. He flopped down on his bed not bothering to change. His brother had soured his mood. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting the smell of lavender flood his nose and calm his mind.

He'd do whatever it takes to save his friend.

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