Chapter 29

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A/N: Sorry for the super late update! Online classes have been taking up most of my time recently 😪

Anyway, some of the scenes from this chapter and in the next ones will be from Escape from the Isle of the Lost: A Descendants Novel! You don't need to read that to understand what happens here, though, bc I'll be explaining most of them anyway :)

The end of the school year was fast approaching. The Auradon Prep students were juggling both their academic requirements and trying to make the most out of the remainder of their time. This applied especially to the seniors — they were all set on making their last year as fun and memorable as possible.

It was a bright afternoon when Meredith and Carlos found themselves walking back to the school's dormitory after a day out together. They had just returned from the Auradon City Mall where Meredith had impulsively decided to get a haircut, insisting that she wanted to try wearing her wild red hair much shorter than she usually did. Naturally, they couldn't just leave empty-handed, so they also bought some very delicious milkshakes on the way back that they were still in the middle of finishing.

"Does Auradon Prep really have a bunch of senior traditions?" Carlos suddenly asked after taking a sip of his vanilla milkshake.

"Yeah, there's a lot," said Meredith as they entered her dorm. She closed the door behind her before facing the boy again. "Who'd you hear it from?"

"The guys from tourney and R.O.A.R. brought it up a few times, but Jay and I don't know much about them yet."

"Didn't Jay do Senior Ditch Day already, though?"

"Yeah, but he also found out about that at the last minute. I still can't believe they all went to the Triton's Bay water park without me, though!" Carlos huffed. "Mal and Evie said that Jay practically inhaled tons of churros there."

"Don't worry, we'll go there soon and we can eat as many churros you want," Meredith reassured with a hint of humor. She walked over to her bed where Carlos was already sitting and plopped down next to him.

"Are there more traditions I should know about? You know, in case my friends disappear on me again."

"Well," she grinned at his pout. "There's a Senior Tea hosted by Mrs. Potts, and even a Senior Ball that everyone puts so much effort into that I heard it practically looks like an official royal event. Then there's also the Senior Crown Ceremony where freshmen place golden crowns on the seniors' heads. The class trip to the Enchanted Woods is coming up soon, too."

"That's a lot."

"I'm not even done," said Meredith with a small laugh. "There's also a Senior Prank — but that one's unofficial, so we don't know when the seniors will actually pull the prank at all. Oh, and there's this fancy Senior Dinner two weeks before the last day of school. Jane and I signed up to organize it, by the way."

"That means you get to go to the dinner? Lucky you. I wanna go, too."

"What, do you really think I'm going to show up without a date?" she said teasingly. "I was just about to ask you to go with me."

"Oh," Carlos said shyly.

"So, is that a yes or no?"

"Of course it's a yes," he said quickly. "Please tell me that's all the senior traditions already."

"There's actually one more," said Meredith with a sheepish smile. "A scavenger hunt, which I have to emphasize is the biggest tradition there is yet. I can't wait to participate in it next year."

"Wait, I've heard of this — isn't it the Senior Quest?" Carlos asked. "Ben mentioned it once."

"That's the one," Meredith said excitedly. "Whoever completes the quest first goes down in Auradon Prep history, and you even get to win a trophy."

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