Chapter 20

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A/N: I can't believe it's been a year since Cameron's passing :( I hope he continues to rest in peace. I also hope you enjoy this chapter even though it's sort of a filler!

The bell rang, signaling the end of Meredith's last class that Friday. She let out a sigh of relief, quickly packing up her things. She had yet another Royal Cotillion meeting right after that, so she had to hurry and return her books in her locker to make it on time.

She walked out of the Bad Fairies classroom with Bashful Jr. and Pin, Pinnochio's son. She wanted to get away from them, but they were her group mates for a project in that class and they were already talking about some of the ideas they had in mind.

"I was thinking we do a documentary," Bashful Jr. was saying. "I can do the music and editing if we push through with it."

"Well, I think we should put up a play!" Pin suggested. "You know, complete with casts and props to depict the third era of bad fairies — using puppets, of course."

"Isn't that a bit too... much? We don't have a lot of time, and these aren't even for our finals yet."

"If you don't wish big, you won't get very far," he said in a sing-song voice. Meredith and Bashful Jr. shared uncertain looks. They clearly weren't willing to create such a theatrical performance just for a simple class project.

"Mer," someone said next. It was Ben, who was outside the door and seemed to have just gotten out of his class next door as well. "Don't forget about our meeting in fifteen minutes! I'll see you there!"

Meredith suppressed a sigh, wishing that everyone would just stop speaking for a moment. All she wanted was that frappuccino she had been craving for so long but hadn't had the time to get because of her busy schedule. Junior year was proving to be tougher than she thought, and she couldn't imagine how much more stressful being a senior would be.

Thankfully, Ben left, and Bashful Jr. and Pin eventually went on their own ways, leaving Meredith alone for a few moments. She quietly placed her books into her locker, mentally preparing herself for the chaos that would ensue in the cotillion committee meeting later. She was grateful that Jane was an efficient head of the event, but that didn't mean that there wouldn't be issues. The cotillion was huge and highly anticipated, so naturally, the ones preparing it were almost always all over the place to make sure that it was as perfect as it could possibly be with the limited time they had left.

 The cotillion was huge and highly anticipated, so naturally, the ones preparing it were almost always all over the place to make sure that it was as perfect as it could possibly be with the limited time they had left

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Meredith slammed her locker shut, only to jump up in surprise when she saw that Carlos was right behind the metal door.

"Oh my god," she said before hitting his arm. "Don't scare me like that."

"You need to learn a thing or two about stealth and composure," Carlos mused.

"Yeah, yeah, I know — you learned it all back in the Isle," she mimicked him in amusement. "What's up?"

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