Chapter 6 ✔️

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A/N: Here's the outfit Meredith wore in this chapter (edit: it's 2020 now and I changed the outfit bc I kept cringing at the old one HAHA it was so... 2012 and idk why 🤡)!!

Meredith had her last class of the day with Ben, Mal, and Carlos. Ben was as generous and approachable as usual, and while Carlos was very neutral about his actions, Mal was slightly ruder — although that may just be her sarcasm that many kids from Auradon weren't used to. Meredith didn't have the right to call her out for being rude though, seeing as she was quite a sarcastic person as well. Nevertheless, that didn't stop Ben from being nice to her and Carlos. He was clearly trying his best to make them feel at home, and Meredith had to admit that his efforts were endearing.

Ben and Meredith stepped out of that class, chatting about the school's team and the upcoming tourney game.

"Tryouts haven't been completed yet?" Meredith asked Ben disbelievingly.

The prince nodded with a sigh.

"Yes, they haven't, but they hopefully will be today. Coach said he wanted to wait for the new students to come, and he wants them to try out."

"You mean Carlos and Jay?"

"Yeah. Actually, Fairy Godmother was the one who reminded me a few hours ago to tell them to tryout for the team. I approached them earlier today, and I only hope they'll take a chance and show up later."

"I'm sure they will. They don't seem like the people to not take risks," Meredith said reassuringly even though she personally wasn't sure about the idea of them joining a sport either. Although none of girls and boys from the Isle of the Lost gave her a reason to find label them as trouble yet, she still imagined a few scenarios of Jay and Carlos cheating during the tryouts or tackling someone for the fun of it. After all, weren't they raised in the Isle to fight when things didn't go their way? She tried her best to shake off those thoughts, knowing that from what she's seen so far, they were pretty decent people. Hopefully, they would remain that way.

"Thanks, Mer —"


Meredith suppressed a groan as Audrey and Chad came into view, cutting Ben off and ending their conversation.

"Hello, Audrey," Ben smiled, making his way to his girlfriend. Meredith had no choice but to follow and meet up with them and Chad. "What's up?"

"I was just telling Audrey this joke I heard from one of the guys," Chad explained. Together, the four of them began walking down the hall.

"What is it?" Meredith urged.

Chad and Audrey stared at each other couldn't help the grins on their faces. Finally, Chad mustered up his courage and began telling Meredith and Ben the joke he heard. The two found it funny enough to chuckle, but Chad and Audrey thought it was hilarious even though they've heard it many times.

As they turned a corner, Chad and Audrey still couldn't help but burst out laughing as if it was the most hysterical thing in the world. All of a sudden, they stopped their laughter and halted in their steps. Ben and Meredith sent them questioning looks, and as a response, Chad tapped them both then pointed at something — or, someone.

 Ben and Meredith sent them questioning looks, and as a response, Chad tapped them both then pointed at something — or, someone

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