Chapter 4 -

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I took Sammy's words into consideration, but i couldnt tell Justin out of nowhere about Jermy beating me until i finally broke it off with him.

I know he's looked for me, but im on this tour with everyone and he cant seem to get to me. He told me "It's not over" when we borke it off, but i blocked his number from calling me so their was no way he was getting in touch with me. Nobody knows what happened between me and Jermy but Sammy, and somehow, everyone found out we broke up a few days after and their reason was "he hit her". It was true, but they found out before i even told anyone.

Maybe they put two and two together; I ended up with bruises on me , I broke up with him out of no where.

I don't care if they know, but they should've thought i was lying. I mean, Why would i lie over stuff like that? I wasnt even inlove with him, the only reason i dated him was because of Justin.

Did i just admit that?

Long Story short; My feelings for Justin was becoming unhealthy, he was dating Selena and i thought getting a boyfriend would change my feelings for him, but it didnt happen that way.

"Demily Braun..." My dad said sternly looking into the tour bus.

"I didnt do whatever you think i did" I said far too quickly for him to believe me.

"Selena told me, -" I cut him off with smacking my lips.

"What? Was it another lie?" I fussed at him, "Are you going to believe her, and not your own daughter?"

"I could believe her, She's believeable" He tapped his finger on his chin, "And i've saw this happen once more"

"You sound like a teacher," I mumbled, "And so? What does that have to do with anyth-"

"It could ruin everything for him and Selena, The press is going to say a lot of shit to him and we dont need that while hes on tour," My dad stated

"He changes when he hits the stage," I know for sure. "You should know, remember when hes pissed off at the world he doesnt talk to anyone, but when he goes on stage what does he do? Act like nothing has happened."

"Yeah, Yeah, Back to what i was saying, If Selena comes up to me one more ti-"

"I know you like her more, but its not my fault Justin didnt want to be molested by his girlfriend" I gave him a sarcastic smile before turning around, and cut on the television.

"Demily, You know im not mad at you, i just didnt want her to be pissed off at Justin,"

"Well since she told you, Justin said she was leaving, either way shes going to be pissed, thanks to you for telling me, now i can tell Justin and she'll be gone forever" I made my mouth an 'O' shape.

"Do you think hes going to choose you over her?"

"Thanks Dad" I said sarcasticly, "Thanks for making my life complete"

I didnt run away from my problems this time. I wasnt going to tell Justin, Selena told my dad either. I didnt want to cause problems between them, or me. Selena wondered why i wasnt being punished or sent away. She hated me; The feelings are mutual.

Today was Justin's day off, and he decided to visit a childrens hospital, He invited me and Alfredo. Surprising? Yeah.

He didnt invite his own famous girlfriend, he invited me (the non famous person on this tour). Alfredo was Semi Famous, he had fans and Justins fans loved him.

"Room 303 has a 8 year old girl, She's a fan" The nurse said smiling escorting Justin, Alfredo and I to that room which was on the 3rd floor. Me and Justin bassicaly held onto each other for dear life because we were claustrophobic.

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