Chapter 3 ~

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Since you haven't got Justin's point of view, of how he feels about life yet...;;


I kicked the rock that was on the sidewalk once again because it wouldnt move. Not at all, Which made me curious about it, until i found out it wasnt a Rock. 

Let's not get on that case. 

"Justin!" I heard Selena squeal. Yeah it was one thing to miss me, but to hurt my ear drums wasnt fun. I didn't even invite her to this show, but she begged to come because she couldnt wait to see everyone. 

To Be Honest; I think she just wanted to make the press excited. 

Jelena (Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez) reunite after months of Justin being on his new headlining tour Believe.

Yep, i could see it on the news. Internet. Everything visable to the universe. 

"Hey..Babe" I said hugging her lightly, not sure if she was still pissed at me. 

"Why arent me causing attention?" She asked low, looking up at me. 

"Because no one cares for you anymore, yeah" Demily butted in shaking her head retardedly. "Havent you heard of Vannessa Hudgens and Zac Efron? Theyre back together, Jelenas irrelevant" 

"What? Ugh, Nessa didnt tell me?" Selena went straight for her phone. 

"Fake" Demily Mouthed walking away. 

She was seriously crazy. In both ways, Psycho, and funny. Weird. 

"So, " I said slipping the phone out of her hand, "Watcha Wanna Do? " 

"Justin give me back my phone!, Ill freaking kill you!" She whinned. "Someone texted me!" 

Looking at her screen, she hurriedly snatched it back; "Thats my business" 

"JUSTIN!" I heard my name being yelled from somewhere throughout this Arena. "DO YOU WANNA DO THE SAME OUTFITS AS THE LAST SHOW?" 

"Whos that?" Selena asked putting her phone away. "Is it whats her name, Scooters daughter?" 

"Demily" I corrected her. "Yeah" 

"Awe, Shes still here? I thought he sent her away" She gasped dramticaly, "Did she beg?"

"Actually she asked to come on this tour, i dont know why though, traveling is shit" 

"Maybe she wanted to be with you, you know she has that freaky crush on you" 

"Uh, Im sure she doesnt like me, " I looked at her like she was crazy, "She has this very, very, harsh mental hate for me" 

"Oh sure! Havent you noticed how she constantly steals you from me?" 

Maybe because we have this secret code to where i say "Apple" and she gets me the hell away from you or anyone else.

"Sometimes she just wants to hang with you too, she doesnt just take me from you" I lied. 

I wouldnt say Demily hated Selena, but i would be lying. I dont know why she hates her but she does and its confusing why too. One second shes like "Hey Selena wanna go shopping?" and the next shes like "Whats her name again? Oh 'Justin Bieber's Girlfriend'". 

"Yeah Yeah, Now wheres Alfredo havent saw him in a while" She basically swerved me, and went to find Alfredo. 

I Followed her to the back room, where my dressing room was. "Put me down!" A streak of laughter yelped. 

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