Chapter 6...

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I woke up around 3 a.m, to Justin telling me to come to his room. I was kind of pissed off that he made me wake up in the middle of the night but i got over it real quick. Apparently he was changing his mind about hooking up with me.

I was so excited because Chaz got to come onto the tour. Other then Justin, He was my bestfriend. He was the bestfriend who I didn't have a crush on. Which made it 100 times better. 

"So. He's like trying to make it work with her again?" Chaz asked, we began walking through the Arena,

"Yeah.." I looked down, "But even after she told Jermy my number," I was getting pissed thinking about it, "Like, why choose a girlfriend that has betrayed you multiple times over a bestfriend that has been there since the begginning" 

"Hey guys! Havent seen you in a couple months." Selena stopped in front of us. She was smiling, the fake one. The one everyone fell for. 

Chaz pushed me around her, holding onto my shoulders until we reached Justin's dressing room. I couldve stabbed her with my fingernails, or did something to her by Chaz. I hadn't even told him i wanted to kill her, yet.

"So," I breathed out in furstration, "When are you getting ready." 

"When she does my hair." Justin said, sitting waiting for Sarah to gather everything, "Cant you do it?"

"No." I crossed my arms. 

"Oh you saw her." Justin smiled, "You know I didn't invite her right? She just shows up."

"Apparently," I muttered, "Get rid of her."

"Im just going to attack her." I said kicking the back of the couch. Selena only came to piss me off, I know it because the whole time shes been starring at me.

"No your not." Chaz said, turning towards me, "Plus Justin's about to come to change when hes finished with this song." 

"I dont want to talk to him." I looked at his outfit sitting on the table, I waited for him to come back, but his girlfriend came back before him. She stood beside me waiting as well. I closed my eyes and counted to 10; then to 20; then to 30 when Justin finally stood infront of me. 

I began taking off his shirt, but of course, Selena gets in the way. I craned my neck waiting for her to move, 

"We have like 30 fucking seconds can you move?" I litteraly pushed her off of him. He looked surprised I did that, or said what I said. She stood waiting for someone to say something but no one ever did.

While i was handing him his pants Sarah came to fix his hair and I could tell Selena didnt like her touching him as much as she liked me touching him. When Justin walked out of the room she started on me;

"I was just trying to make sure he was okay, You didnt have to touch me like that." Selena said, walking closer to me,

"Get any closer and im going to hit you with this fucking shoe," I held it up, "And we have a limit of time, im not going to get blamed for you stupid shit, not today." 

"Your not going to fucking touch me, Ill tell your dad and he'll send you back to your hell hole where you can get beat by your boyfriend" Selena lashed at me, 

I picked up the shoe and aimed for her face, "Oops." I said shrugging my shoulders as it hit her left cheek. Chaz was shocked, frozen. She threw the show back, it hit my foot, but i charged for her. I slammed her against the wall banging her head into it until someone dragged me away. 

Im not even going to lie, she scratched the hell out of my cheek, but her head probably has a few knots. 

"I didnt think you were actually going to do it." Chaz said pushing me out of the room, far away from Selena, "She probably has a bruise of her face," He laughed, "Justins going to be so pissed."

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