Chapter 2

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I don't know if i should continue this story.. 

My dad was pretty upset because he thought we actually did something. Then he brought out the 'Marriage Promise' thing we did when i was 13. I knew i couldnt wait until then, but hell, ive waited 18 years. I could wait another, but im 18, and its the 21st century everyones doing it. 

We didn't do anything that morning but eat at Moe's then get back on the road and get to Montreal. After i ate i sat down and prayed to god we would get there fast so i didnt puke up my food and get hungry again. 

"You eat like a man," Alfredo said looking at my empty wrapper, and fry holder. 

"And? A girl has to eat," I fussed back smiling throwing my trash in one of the empty bags sitting on the table. Burping in the process getting looks from everyones. "What? Im not a girly girl" 

"We can see that" Someone mumbled under their breath, thanks to my dog ears i could hear almost anything throughout this bus. Quite or not. 

Sometimes its not the best thing though, One time Dan and his wife were you know, and Justin's being a walking radio didnt help either, im pretty sure my dog ears werent the only ones hearing the moans though. 

"You guys are mean to me, Assholes" I said pouting, crossing my arms running away like a 5 year old. 

I shouldnt have ran. 

My cheeks began to get sour, and my stomach started to do flips. I shouted a few cuss words before puking in the middle of the hallway. Oops. I began shouting 'Ew' like i was some highclass rich woman. 

I know no one on the bus was going to clean it up, neither was i, so i hide out in the bathroom until i heard a chours of "What the fuck" "Ew" "Demily!" 

I laughed, even though nothing was funny. I know no one wanted to smell my puke breath so the remainder of the time in the bathroom i brushed my teeth. 

"Seriously, We need another guy on this bus and get her outta here" I heard Justin Say. 

I feel WELCOMED. Very welcomed. 

"Buy her a puke bag" Alfredo Joked  — i hope. 

"You act like i cant hear you guys, Im a sensitive little girl okay" I said in a innocent voice, but i knew they were making faces and laughing about it. "You arent taking me serious, I swear we need another girl on this tour!" I yelled furstrated. 

"We do,  Sarah" Someone said on the other side of the door. 

"Oh No, Hell to the no" I fussed opening the door, "We had a fuss earlier because she could 'loose her job' because she fucks up Justins hair, i mean, who gives a fuck about his hair, Hes performing in front of teens who really doesnt care for his hair at the moment" 

"They care," Justin said wide eyed, "I care" 

"Shut up" I mumbled, "Plus you cant just drop her — now"

"Forget about this job shit, why dont you go live on that bus with her and the band people" Dan said. 

"Your apart of the band why dont you go live on their. with them, and give her your spot" I said smiling — stupidly. 

"Because im important to Everyone okay" He mumbled slightly. 

"Not everyone" I muttered 

"And we finally reach Montreal!" Justin yelled jumping up, opening the door, not knowing if we were moving or not. "Air! Canada AIR!" He shouted jumping out of the bus, i guess we werent moving afterall, eh? 

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