Chapter 7;

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I sat at the Airport, not budging to go through the gates nor was I near ready to even try to hand my bags over. I was freaking out because I didn't want to go to Atlanta. I could tell my dad why I don't want to go, but he'll say im lying and send me anyways. I was probably going to be killed if I went. If not killed, almost killed. No one understood exactly how I felt, but I was crying so maybe everyone thought I was just sad to leave, But I was actually terrified to leave.

My phone rang, Justin popped up. I leaned my head back trying not to cry harder so he couldn't notice and get even more pissed. "Hello?" It defiantly sounded like I was crying, "Don't yell at me or anything im about to go get on the plane fuss at my later." I didn't give him any time to speak.

"I wasn't going to fuss at you." He paused, "I just wanted to know why your leaving, Theres no use to it now, She wont talk to me."

"You always say that." I sniffed, "Plus my dads making me. Do you think I wanna go."


"Okay then. Its over with. Im leaving and no one can do anything about it." I wiped my face with one hand, "I have to go."  I actually just cried into my knees for a while. I didn't care if I missed the flight, I didn't care if I staid in the airport forever.

Someone sat beside me, "Still don't know why your leaving."

My heart stopped. I tried to stop crying. "Why are you even here."

"Im not going to let you be the one that got away," Justin said lifting my head off of my knees, "And Im not gonna go away, so either come with me, or I go with you"

I reach my hand under my sunglasses wiping a few tears. "I cant go back because of my dad."

"Fuck Scooter, Who cares what he says, im not letting you go back, I honestly don't give a shit what anyone else has to say but you don't wanna go back and im not letting anyone make you."

 "Didn't you just hate me." I laid my head in my knees again,

"I never said that," He was trying to be nice,

"You called me a bitch." I bit my bottom lip, "What else was I suppose to think?"

"That I was mad at you."

"That's what I said!" I fussed looking at him,

 "Okay I didn't mean it," He started biting his nails, "I don't know how to put this,"

"Just say it." I was lost at what he was going so say, "And stop biting your nails." I smacked his mouth from his hands,

A few seconds later a few paparazzi came up out of nowhere. I didn't know why they let them in the airport anyways. "I cant."

"You cant  what?" I put my hand over my eyes, the sunglasses weren't doing anything,

"Lets go somewhere else." Justin pulled me up by my hand,

"Im not going anywhere until you tell me what your talking about." I jerked my hand from his.

"Uh." He leaned his head back, "I can show you better then I can tell you."

"Okay show-" He cut me off by pulling me closer to him, smashing our lips together.

"Now can we go." He asked.

"Uh, Ye- sure." I tried to say, He grabbed my hand, pulling me through the little crowed that was crowded around.

Ive never actually been more shocked and scared at one time ever. Probably because I knew my dad was going to kill me for coming back, and Justin kissing me in front of paparazzi? That would cause hate to me from every direction.

 Selena, my Dad, Fans, Gossip sites will be all over my ass even though I did nothing. Justin did it but i can already see the hate coming. As much as i want to be in a relationship with him, i know that ill get so much hate and im not good with hate. 

Ill end up cutting more then ever, crying even more then i already do, and say im getting more fucked up and my dad will send me away. 

I sat on the couch, bititng my nails, freaking out. I didnt want to show i was freaking out, but i was freaking out really bad. Justin pushed my hand from my mouth, "Chill out." He said smiling,

"Im not freaking out, psh." I tried to act cool but i was failing. 

"You know i can tell right?" 


"Then why did you lie?"

"Leave me alone."

"Your gonna need me in like a few minutes because your dad..." 

"You make me feel so much better." I said, glancing at him.

He didnt say much of anything else, he just began playing the xBox as everyone began boarding the bus. He looked over at me, but i was already getting up to go to the back. I locked myself into his bathroom because i know when i came out no one but him could see me. 

I sat with my back against the door, "He cant do to much." I heard from the other side, "I mean, its not like he can stop the bus while were moving, so were good from there." 

"Yeah, but that means im stuck in a bus with him." I licked my lips, "And he already hates me, and then when he sees the pictures..." 

"Fuck the pictures, fuck him actually," He paused, "What do you want?" He Obviously wasnt talking to me,

"I-I, Uh," It was a female,

"I thought i told you to leave, that we were over." Justin said tapping the door with his fingers,

"Scooter told me not to," Selena spoke, her voice cracking.

"Yeah, then go with him, be with him since you like to listen to him more then anyone else," Justins was sounding serious, "Get out."

"Justin, What did I do? It was her I forgave you for it." Selena sounded so convincing, but she was also an actress so who knows when shes trying to be serious or not? "Please,"

"Get out." Justin was obivously speaking through his teeth, 

"Justin.." She was crying. And then I was crying more then before. "Justin I,"

 I stood up and then a heard a straight, "Selena get out, i dont want to be bothered with you or anyone else right now." a second later he said, "Come out, please?"

The way he said 'please' made me come out actually. "Now I'm stuck on the bus with them two." 

It was less then two seconds and Selena's happy ass was walking through the door again. "What is she-" She cut herself off by walking back out of them door. 

I turned around looking at the wall, honestly afraid. "Justin.." My voice trailed off. 

I heard foot steps and I knew it was my dad. I knew i was going to get cussed out and probably slapped by my dad. "Demily."


I know it's short, but everyone's been asking for me to post it. 

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