Chapter 9:

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"I found a flight for you." My dad was looking down at his computer but talking to me, "I'm deciding wether to let you stay or send you, we need you, kind of." 

"Kind of? If it wasn't for me -" Justin pushed me out of the way,

"Its all my fault Scooter, Its mine." Justin said, "I did it to her-"

"Are you saying she didn't agree?" My dad mumbled,

"She didnt necessarily disgree, so I wasnt like 'let me stop' Im a guy what do you think?" Justin said truthfully, since I didn't even want to go into detail of the whole thing, of ccourse no one would know what actually happened,

My dad looked at us, "I dont know..."

"Im not gonna be with her - Selena - again, so forget that, I love her." Justin said, "Demily, I mean." 

I blinked. Unemotionally I laughed. "What?" I jerked my head over to Justin, but he acteed as if he didn't hear me. Justin looked at my Dad, waiting for a response. 

My dad didn't flintch, he didn't have an expression on his face. "Your 19." 

"What does that have to do with anything I just said?"

"Your 19, both of you. You have no idea what you're talking about right now." My dad said, "Don't fall to quickly, you don't know whats instore for you."

"Dad you've been with mom since you were 17," I said, trying to agree with the fact I loved Justin. "Who are you to speak?" 

"Me and your mom also had a kid together." My dads voice suddenly got angry. "Don't bring me or her into this."

"Scooter she was just-" Justin tried to speak but my dads voice over powered his, 

"Stop taking each other's side!" My dads voice went throughout the tour bus, I was glade no one else was on the bus. "I didn't fucking raise her or find you so you two could be something." 

I flintched as his hand hit the table. 

"What's so bad about us?" I asked, almost tears in my eyes. I was surprisingly sad, and not pissed at the mother fucker. 

"Because Demily, you ruined something that could've been more, and you drug him into it. You know you did." My dad said, eyeing me, "You don't know half of the shit he has to go through and she understood."

"Dad I-"

"Stop, just stop." My dad yelled into my face,

"No you stop!" I yelled, for the first time in a while. I was getting mad with him, and I didn't know why. "You don't know how I feel, You don't know shit. You dont know what go through! Dad seeing something you've fucking loved for YEARS love someone who treats them like shit behind everyone's back hurts, you know that right?" Tears were streaming down my face, "Im done here, I'll go home, I don't even want to be here anymore." 

I didn't storm off, I kind of walked off crying not wanting to bee bothered with. I was almost 20, and I was sitting over here crying over a guy who just admitted he loved me. Or maybe I was crying because my own dad couldn't get over the fact someone actually liked me. 

All I wanted was to be Justin's and once I get the littlest bit of love from him, my dad can't accept it. 

"I got you food." The curtain that seperates my bunk bed with the rest of the world flung open. "Pizza, your favorite." Justin was smiling, as to my crying, he looked like he just won the lottery. 

"I don't want it right now." My voice came out shaky. Of course I wanted it, food was always the porblem solver but I didn't want to be bothered. 

"I can bring it to you, or you can come out of this thing, put on something comfortable and we can go to my room and watch a movie and eat." 

"What if I wanna be alone." 

He scruntched his face, placing his chin on the edge of the bunk bed, His face was barley an inch apart from mine, "Please." 

"I don't wanna face the world right now, I'm tired." 

"It's only 7."

"I'm tired..Of being Tired Justin, It's - this - is getting old." 


It's not that long, but it's a cliffhanger. :) im sorry ha

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