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AMAZING Fanart from CastleLikesCofee. I cannot believe I am actually getting fanart!! ->


Los Angeles Children's Hospital, December 7th, 2015

Mikoto drummed her fingers on the table in front of her. It had been four days since Damian was stabbed, and somehow, it seemed, he was healing as if he had been in the hospital for a month.

It seemed he had speed-healing as well..

"Can I leave yet?" Damian asked in annoyance.

"I wish." Dick snorted. "That Aimi girl is still out there.. but we can't beat her, unless we have a plan.. and someone with super-you-know-whats." he glanced at Mikoto. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Mikoto nodded. "Yeah!" She didn't want her friends to worry. They had bigger problems.. like the fact ITEM was out for her blood..

ITEM was an organization in Academy City that generally kept the Board of Directors from getting out of hand.. but whenever she had went to get some donuts from Walmart, she had noticed them.

"Any luck?" the leader, Shizuri Mugino, a tall girl with tea-colored hair asked her colleage.

"If only." The 12-year old rust colored haired girl sighed. "Why do we have to be here, anyway? Don't get me wrong, L.A. is amazing, but we're supposed to stay in Academy City!"

"Because," Shizuri began. "Railgun is a serious threat.. we need to take her out.. she never deserved her status anyways.."

Mikoto stood up. "I don't know about you two, but I'm hungry! Want anything?"

"I'll just have a hotdog.'

"Potato soup with the skin and the broth not too thick, warm tea in a china cup."

Guess who ordered which.

"When can I leave?" Damian asked for the hundreth time, burying his hands in his face. "I feel so useless! These doctors will not even let me walk around!!"

"Well, knowing you, you'd probably end up kicking somebody in the face." Dick shrugged.

"It is not a party until somebody gets hit in the face."

"Did you get that off of Disney channel?"


Awkward silence.

"Er- lets watch the news." Dick finally suggested, and Damian muttered his agreement.

CNN News was on.

"We just have news of an internationally wanted criminal." the reporter was saying. "Mikoto Misaka, Level 5 esper, is guilty of attempting to decimate Japan. We do not know where she is, but be on the look out; and if you see her, do NOT approach her. She is immensely powerful."

Damian and Dick exchanged a shocked glance.

"She has shoulder-length chestnut bown hair, with eyes of the same color. Also, she is a middle schooler, so she will appear around that age."

"We need to find her." Dick stated, standing up.

"She would not do this!!" Damian exploded. "Misaka does not have an evil bone in her body!!"

"We need answers either way." Dick replied. "I'm going to get her. Stay here."

But telling Damian Wayne to stay still was like telling a fish to walk on land. As soon as his brother closed the door, Damian threw off the covers and stepped off the bed, wincing slightly as pain shot through his abdomen.

Batman And Railgun Book One: Off With Her HeadWhere stories live. Discover now