The Dynamic Duo

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Wayne Manor, December 17, 2015

"Would you like some cookies, Master Jason?"

Jason shrugged, taking a cookie off of Alfred's platter and stuffing it in his mouth. "Want some, Littlewing?" He asked.

Mikoto shook her head. "Nope, not hungry." She was pacing back and forth.

They were waiting for Bruce to decide whether or not they could go back to Academy City.

After Mikoto had explained everything, Bruce had simply nodded and told her to wait upstairs.

That was two hours ago.

"When is he gonna decide!?" She yelled, throwing up her hands in exasperation.

"Master Mikoto, you have to take into account that you just broke out of Arkham." Alfred pointed out. "And besides, you were accused of crimes against humanity."

"I didn't do it!!" A spark jumped from Mikoto's bangs. "I swear!! Why does nobody believe me!?"

"I believe you." Jason piped up. "And so does Damian and Dick."

"And myself." Alfred added.

"Thanks." Mikoto sighed. "But... I don't know if Bruce does..."

"He's Bruce." Jason said. "What do you expect?"

Mikoto groaned. "I don't know! Maybe an answer!"

Alfred took out a tablet he was holding. "Master Mikoto, it seems that Master Bruce wishes to see you in the Bat Cave."

Mikoto nodded stiffly, running to the bookcase. She pulled out a red book, and the bookcase scooted to the side to reveal a stairway.

"So," Mikoto said as she reached the ground. "What do you say?"

"We will go get them." Bruce began. "However, after... we will have a little talk about the secrets you've been keeping."

Mikoto started to defend herself, before realizing it was useless. She nodded.

"Okay." Bruce said. "Suit up."

"Won't people recognize me?" Mikoto questioned.

"Probably." Bruce admitted. "But that's only if they see you. From now on, you follow my lead. I tell you to do something, do it. We stay in the shadows. We don't talk to anyone. I don't care if you see your parents at gunpoint. If you come with me, you focus on the mission. No unnecessary risks."

Mikoto gulped, but started to put on her suit.

"I made some upgrades to it." Batman continued as they hopped into the Bat Wing. "The suit won't fry if you use your power, so don't be afraid to. Also, I've given you Damian's old boots... they have more metal instead of rubber, so it'll be easier for you to climb up walls."

"That explains a lot." Mikoto muttered, looking at the green combat boots that had been with her suit instead of her black ones.

They took off into the air, flying much faster than any normal jet could. Mikoto wiggled her feet, both shocked and embarrassed to realize that boots that had fit ten-year-old Damian perfectly fit a fourteen-year-old Mikoto as well.

In two hours, Batman and Robin had reached Academy City airspace. The Bat Wing was in camouflage mode, so they were unnoticed.

"Okay," Batman whispered. "Remember, we stay out of sight. It's sunset, so we need to lay low for about an hour before we head out."

Robin nodded. "Alright."

The both of them sat in the Bat Wing, watching security footage. Batman had hacked into the servers, so they had eyes on all of Academy City... anything that had a camera and was connected to the internet, they could see out of... this included personal laptops as well as cellphones.

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