"Excellent point, big sister," Chloe agreed.

"Wow," Robin breathed as he looked at Vlad. "Who did them up?" He pointed at a picture.

"That's Granny and Grandpa, Mum's parents," Vlad answered as he pointed at a different picture. "Krone and Atilla Westenra. We don't talk about them much." He lowered his voice. "They don't like Dad."

"Why not?" Robin asked in the same tone.

"Robin, that's none of our business," Chloe scolded him.

"So tell us the reason," Alice requested as they looked at Vlad. 

"Well, they weren't exactly thrilled about us leaving Transylvania," Vlad began to explain. 

"Why were your grandparents in such a mood?" Chloe asked. 

"Well, they're majorly strict about vampire tradition," Vlad answered. "You've got to wear a cape at all times. You've got to be asleep by daybreak. You can't eat normal food, and you don't mix with breathers. If they knew what my life was like here..."

"They'd kill you," Robin finished.

"Well, no," Vlad denied. "But they'd send me back to Transylvania to a vampire boarding school. No friends, no family, no daylight ever again."

"Your plan to be not so ghosty by Valentine's Day would be out the window," Alice said.

"Exactly," Vlad nodded. "I'd spend the rest of eternity lurking around in the shadows. Can you imagine anything worse?"

"Worse," Robin dreamed.

"Wicked, spiteful, and evil," Vlad listed. "Well, at least they're three thousand miles away." The doorbell rang; they all looked at each other. A minute after Vlad went up to check, everyone was running around to make sure that the house was in order.

"Quickly, quickly," The Count panicked as he ran around. "Ehh, the sun is setting. They'll be out any second. Chloe and Alice picked up the board games.

"Some birthday this turned out to be," Vlad gloomed in his cape.

"Aww," Ingrid faked sympathizing. "Has poor Vlad's party been canceled?"

"Go sit on a stake," Vlad responded. 

"Make sure to get those cobwebs under the chairs and in all corners, Renfield, " The Count ordered. "Is there anything else?"

"Nope," Alice denied.

"Looks good to me," Robin added as he walked up to The Count. "No sign of breather life anywhere." The vampires had a panicked look as the coffins began to open and Branaghs still present.

"Oh, quick, hide!" Vlad ordered; he shoved them behind the red curtains. Alice sat on a chair reading a book from the castle' as Robin talked Chloe into being a victim of his 'vampirism.' Lighting flashed, and the sounds of doors opened. 

"Atilla, Krone, what an unpleasant surprise," The Count greeted. 

"You!" Krone snapped. "You traitor. You've brought shame on this family. You're a disgrace to the name Vampire."

"Oh," The Count breathed weakly. "Nice to see you too."

"Ingrid," Krone called. "My favorite grandchild."

"Oh," Ingrid breathed happily. "New shoes. It's only money."

Krone ticked. "It's only money." There were sounds of shuffling. "Vladimir, come here boy. Into the shadows, so I can see you better." There was another tick. "Too much color in your cheeks. You should stay inside more."

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