Chapter 26

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Up at the castle, Alice was playing a board game, with Robin, Vlad, and the Count.

"Victory is mine," the Count confirmed as his eyes glowed red. "Tremble at the power of the might Dracula." The three looked at each other and shook their head. "It was Colonel Blood with the garlic in the dungeon." He slammed his cards down, and lightning cracked. He picked up another card; looked at the other three. "Uh...I win."

"Let's see the cards, then," Robin ordered. 

Count leaned over to him. "Are you calling me a cheat?"

"Yes," Alice confirmed as she looked over at her cards, Count looked at her in shock.

Vlad laughed. "Dad, you cheat at everything. Chess, Snap, Scrabble."

"Bloxiplop is a real word," Count defended himself.

"Yeah, it's Transylvania for my Dad's pants are on fire," Vlad translated. "Now show us the cards." The cards lit on fire, Count yelped dropping them.

"Every time," Alice groaned as she put her cards down.

"Why do all our games have to end like this?" Vlad demanded as he put his cards down. Everyone gasped as Will and Ingrid suddenly appeared.

"Because you're losers," Ingrid answered. 

Will picked up the box. "Slewdo, the game of detective fun for vampires aged eight to 800?"

"It's pitiful," Ingrid commented. "What would the Gran High Vamprei say if he saw this?"

"Well, luckily, the Grand High Vampire isn't here right now," Count said as he moved a game piece. 

Renfield ran into the room in a panic. "Master, the Grand High Vampire is here, right now!" Panic set around the vampire family the board was quickly removed from sight.

"Robin, Alice, you've got to get out of here," Vlad urged. "You're both in serious danger!" Robin ran for the door; Alice and the Count kept trying to step around each other. The doors began to open. "Hide!"

"Why does it always happen like this?" Alice panicked.  

"Just play along," Count instructed as a man with a skull staff entered the room. "Ah. Your Grandness, what an unexpected honor."

Grand High walked up to Count, slamming his staff down. "This isn't a social call, Dracula. We're here on official business." Vlad went and stood by Alice. 

"We?" Coun repeated; the staff got slammed down again. 

"Justice Moroi," Grand High revealed. A man in all red came in, he started to do tricks; struck a pose on the table. 

"Show off," Count commented; he looked back at the Grand High. 

"Count Dracula, you are hereby charged with gross misconduct rule three, paragraph five, sub-clause nine of ancient Vampire Law," Justice Moror announced as Renfield walked in. 

"Rule three, paragraph five, sub-clause nine?" Count repeated. 

"What does that mean?" Vlad asked.

"No idea," Count repeated. 

"It means death," Moroi answered; he jumped down; point at the Count. "Your death." Everyone was shocked, beside Ingrid she was full smiles and Renfield fell over. 

"Count Dracula, you are accused of shaming vampires everywhere by associating with breathers and slayers," Grand High informed. 

"How very dare you!" Count roared; he began to walk away. "I shan't rest until I find the one who's accused me!"

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