Chapter 12

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It was now Halloween, Alice was waiting outside for her brother Vlad to walk home. She was chatting with Maxine and George.

"I wish Halloween were one more day away" Maxine informed. "I haven't perfected the look I want to do quite yet."

"I can come over and help," Barbara answered. "But Alice, you haven't decided what you are going something simple like a vampire?"

"I'd rather not dress like my future," Alice huffed, Barbara and Maxine both gave her a strange look. "Robin's been trying to convince me to take a biology path. I'd rather do IT; or history."

"Both of those sounds draining," Barbara commented. "Speaking of your brother." They looked over to see Vlad walking away from Robin in an irritated state. Chloe walked up to Robin; she seemed excited about the party. "See you later."

"Choose a good costume," Maxine advised as the two walked away.

"Hey, Alice," Vlad greeted as he started to walk past her.

"Someone got staked in their last period," Alice said as he caught up to him.

Vlad sighed. "Robin wants to stay at the castle and spend Halloween there."

"And miss out on the Halloween party at school?" Alice questioned. 

"He wants to rule on the night people won't think we are freaks," Vlad complained more. "But I just want to fit in."

"You do fit in by being freaks in Stokely," Alice pointed. "Every town's got them and you two are the youngest ones that I'm aware of."

"Thanks for the vote, Alice," Vlad groaned. "What are you going as tonight?"

"Not a clue," Alice admitted. "Do you have anything in mind?"

"No," Vlad frowned. "But Chloe said she'd help me with a mummy costume!"


After school, Alice was in her costume already; she was in a Sleeping Beauty costume; she walked into Vlad's room to see Chloe wrapping Vlad in toilet paper. 

The sock in Zoltan's mouth dropped. "Well, hello your majesty," Everyone looked at her.

"It's just me Zoltan," Alice informed. "Your costume is coming along Vlad; nice work Chloe."

"At least someone appreciates it," Chloe grunted as she continued to wrap Vlad, she was glaring at him. "Hold on, it keeps tearing up!"

"This is stupid!" Vlad groaned as he ripped his arm away from her. "I don't wanna go dressed a loo roll."

"You're supposed to be a mummy," Chloe corrected as Alice sat in a chair. 

"Got it!" Robin lit up as he lifted a finger. "Why don't you go as a vampire?" He tapped his head. "What was I thinking? Where would you get a vampire costume at this hour? And on Halloween." He crossed his arms. 

"Oh, is it Halloween?" Zoltan asked. 

Vlad shushed him in a panic; before quickly shutting the door. "I don't want Dad to know."

"Why not?" Chloe asked. 

"Halloween lits dad like a match in a firework factory," Vlad answered as he snapped his fingers. 

"Even a sausage through the heart wouldn't subdue him," Zoltan commented, they all looked at him.

"Sausage?" Alice questioned. 

"You mean a stake?" Chloe asked. 

"Oh yes," Zoltan confirmed. "You see the Count has banned from using that word. That word and bun fight." Robin and Alice looked at each other. 

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