Chapter 3

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Days later Alice was standing at Vlad's locker with Robin. They saw the twins following Ingrid and carrying her items. They witnessed her take her stuff and yell at the boys.

" Someone got out of their coffin the wrong side," Robin teased.

" Ingrid's sulking cos I can fly and she can't," Vlad teased as he flashed ten pounds, Alice took it from him. " Alice!"

" I need money for the movies," Alice stated as she put the ten in her pocket. " Thanks for the donation."

" You stole it," Vlad corrected.

" That's not all that will happen to you," Ingrid threatened as she walked over to them. " You'll be flying out the window if you carry on! Oh, and by the way, Mum says hello."

" Mum?" Vlad gasped. " You've spoken to Mum?"

" I've asked her to stay a couple of days," Ingrid informed.

" You did what?" Vlad demanded. 

" Don't you want to see her?" Ingrid asked.

" Which Mum are you talking about?" Vlad demanded. " I'm thinking of the back-stabbing witch from hell!"

" Cool!" Robin exclaimed. " She sounds like a proper vampire. You two haven't got a fang between you."

" Just you wait till I'm 16 Branagh," Ingrid threatened before storming away.

" Are you okay Vlad?" Alice asked.

" Yeah," He answered. " Why shouldn't I be?"


Little later they were at the Castle Chloe was helping Vlad with his homework; Robin was looking at the stuff in the room as Alice looked through a magazine. 

" So I carry the one and add up the columns, which makes 3,921," Vlad answered.

" Correct," Chloe smiled.

" Wow, I never realized doing homework could be so much fun!" Vlad exclaimed.

" You're joking," Robin scoffed.

" You can do mine for 10 pounds," Alice offered.

" You mean the 10 that you stole from me," Vlad said.

" That's if I don't go to the movies first," Alice said as she flipped a page.

" I'd rather have my tongue pulled out," Robin commented.

" Ooo," Ingrid sounded as she walked into the room. " Don't say that when Mum gets here. Wouldn't want to give her any ideas."

" You think she'll turn up after letting us down?" Vlad asked. " Mum doesn't care about us. She ran off with a werewolf. Get over it!"

" Werewolf?" Robin asked. " This gets better and better! Is he coming too?"

" Ignore her," Vlad advised. " My mum is not coming to stay!" The doors opened; a stylish woman flew in, smoke was behind he; she was taking off her sunglasses. The glasses of milk turned black.

" Hello, darlings," She greeted them with a smile.

" Oh is that the time?" Chloe asked as she got up and packed her stuff. " Come on, Alice and Robin." The doors then closed shut and Chloe sat back down.

" Oh, Mum, I've missed you," Ingrid cried as she hugged her mum. " I hate living with Dad!"

" There, there, don't cry," Magda said as she tried to get Ingrid off of her. " No, really don't. it's Versace." She then turned to Robin. " And how's my Vladdy? Goodness, you haven't changed."

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