Chapter 4

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Alice was currently sitting in the living room with Robin, she was doing her homework while he played his video games. Paul and Ian came in with a flower and a video camera.

" Hey, Robin do you want to smell my flower?"  Paul asked as he held the flower, Robin slowly looked at the two.

" Just play along," Ian insisted.

" We're trying to win "You've Been Shamed," Paul added as the doorbell went off.

" You could be on the telly," Alice added.

" I'm gagging to embarrass myself in front of my friends," Robin sassed.

" You only have one friend," Alice reminded him.

" Shut up," Robin groaned.

" She's right, how many times do we have to tell you," Paul laughed as their mom opened the door. " You haven't got any friends."

" Robin," Mum breathed. " Your friends are here."

" By friends, do you mean just Vlad?" Alice asked as she looked over to see Ingrid and Vlad standing in the doorway.

" I heard that!" Vlad exclaimed as they walked into the room.

" It was meant for you to hear it," Alice answered as turned to the backside of her homework. Vlad glared at her and she ignored him.

" Ingrid as well!" Robin lit up. " Knew you couldn't keep away."

" Ignore the freak," Ian advised. " We are going to make you a star."

" What do you mean make?" Ingrid asked.

" You know the Tv Show 'You've Been Shamed?" Alice asked as Paul walked over to Ingrid.

" No," the two Dracula children answered.

" Uh, well, people make funny movies and send them in," Paul explained. 

" The Top prize is a 1,000 pounds," Ian informed.

" And we are going to win it with you as our leading lady," Paul suggested as he put the flower in front of her, Vlad went and sat beside Robin.

" Have either of you clowns ever made a movie before?" Ingrid asked.

" We've been creating movies for years," Paul answered.

" Yeah?" Ingrid asked.

" They mean they filmed our family holidays on Dad's crapped-out old camcorder," Robin explained.

" Cinematic embarrassment," Alice said.

" More like cinematic masterpieces," Ian corrected.

" 10 years of Branaugh holidays," Paul added. " Merthyr Tydfil. Pontypridd." Ian picked up an old one.

" Oh, I forgot about this one Transylvania," Ian stated.

" What?" Robin and Vlad asked at the same time.

" 1994, holiday in Bistritz, Transylvania," Paul read.

" That's just a few miles from our old castle," Vlad informed.

" I don't remember going to Transylvania," Alice said as she looked at the twins.

" Ah, it was years ago," Paul answered. 

" You and Robin were just babies," Ian added.

" Do not put it on," Alice said.

" Put it on," Robin insisted. He then stood up. " Put it on."

" Do not put it on," Alice advised.

" I want to see it," Vlad said, this time she glared at him. She now sat on the ground next to Robin. Moments later they watched the tape the twins made when they were younger. They were fighting over the camera.

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