Chapter 11

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Father's Day was approaching; Alice was putting a gift together with Chloe. They were also preparing for the camping trip with Dad and Robin.

"Night Goggles?" Alice asked.

"Check," Chloe answered.

"Marshmallows for smores?" Alice asked.

"Check," Chloe answered. 

"Robin?" Alice asked.

Chloe lowered her notebook. "I'd put that camping item on hold for now."


"Coming!" the two girls chimed. 

After school, Alice was in her room with Vlad and Robin; to Robin's request, the light was turned off. Robin sat on the bed, Alice was on the floor pillow, and Vlad sat on the desk chair. 

Vlad was staring at a card. "World's best dad? I knew your dad was great, but I didn't realize he won an award!"

"It's not an actual award, Fang Brain," Alice corrected as she looked over at him. "It's a Father's Day card."

Vlad looked at the two. "Father's Day?"

Robin sat up, holding a bat. "It's a breather thing. You have to get your dad cards, presents and do lame things to please them."

"I hate doing dad stuff," Vlad grunted. "Flying lessons, biting practice. It feels like his only purpose in life is to stop me from having fun."

"Vlad, everyone feels like that about their parents," Robin informed. "Last week, a boy from school asked Alice on a date at the supermarket, Dad nearly killed him."

"A date?" Vlad asked as he looked at Alice, who was painting her toenails.

"The point of Father's Day is to pretend you don't," Robin answered, referring to the previous conversation. "It softens them up. It softens them up, ready for the next time you want to get away with something."

"Like what?" Vlad asked as he looked at his best mate.

"For example, I've agreed to go camping with Dad, Alice, and Chloe tonight. In return, Dad'll pretend to believe me next time I lose my school report," Robin explained.

"And I'll get money easier to go to the movies," Alice answered. "Won't have to do half the chores in the house to earn it."

"So Father's Day is basically a way of conning your dad?" Vlad asked. 

"Your point is?" Alice asked as she looked at him. 

"Got any spare cards?" Vlad asked, Robin gave a small smile and an eyebrow raised.  Moments later, they went downstairs, Robin was holding a skull.

Dad opened the door to the garage. "Alice, Robin, have you finished packing?" 

"I just have to grab the Kendal Mint Cake from the pantry," Alice answered. "Chloe and I finished packing earlier."

"Excellent," Dad smiled as he put a hand on her head. "Robin?"

"Uh, not yet," Robin answered. 

"Well, hurry up," Dad issued. "Every minute you waste, we lose a minute's camping." He made his way into the kitchen.

"I am aware of that," Robin huffed.

"You two are so lucky!" Vlad exclaimed. "I'd do anything o get my dad to take me camping."

"And I'd give anything for a dad whose idea of a good time isn't singing "Ging Gang Goolie' with all the actions," Robin responded.

"My dad could learn a thing or two from yours," Vlad said.

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