Chapter 23

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Chloe was beyond furious with Alice for dropping her date for Vlad. 

"Chester was a perfectly normal guy!" Chloe shouted as Alice folded clothes. 

"Chester is cool," Alice said. "But I like Vlad."

"Chester was supposed to make me happy," Chloe pointed out.

"Then go on ahead and ask Chester for a date," Alice advised. "Robin gave pretty good advice for once."

"Did he really?" Chloe asked in disbelief. "The vampire freak?"

"He asked if going Chester was making you happy or me happy," Alice answered. 

"You are supposed to avoid marrying, the vampire," Chloe complained.

"We're 13, I assure you will find different people by then," Alice stated. 


Two weeks later, Alice was doing dishes with Chloe when Robin walked up to them with a newspaper in his hands. It was about the staff of Carpathia.

"Come to Vlads with me."

"No," Chloe denied.

"Okay," Alice agreed. Robin has been really cool with Alice and Vlad's romances toward each other; as long as they aren't like that around him. They got to the castle, Ingrid opened the door and planted a kiss on Robin; they walked into the castle kissing.

"Did she and Will have a row?" Alice asked as she walked in.

"No," Vlad denied, he then took to the opportunity to exchange a kiss with Alice while Robin was distracted. 

Ingrid pulled away, she became mortified with who she just kissed. Robin leaned in for another kiss; Ingrid slapped him. 

"If you tell anyone about this bat breath I will chop off your tongue and feed it to Renfield!" Ingrid threatened; she hurried away to go throw up, Robin was still in a daydream. 

"I think I'm in love," Robin gushed; he slap the newspaper into Vlad's arms. "Read."

Vlad sighed, folding the paper. "Staff of Carpathia. A new attraction at Stokely Museum. Legend has it that one blow from the staff will cure the curse of Vampirism. Robin, this is brilliant!" He looked, Alice was staring at Robin was still in his daydream. 

"Ah, oh yeah," Robin breathed. 

"Come on," Vlad issued as he pulled Robin away from the door. 


The next day, they went to the museum, and Chloe was kind enough to join them.

"Thanks for coming today, I really appreciate it," Vlad thanked her. 

"Who couldn't resist steering my sister from her current romance and a chance to authenticate a historical artifact like the staff," Chloe gushed in excitement.

"Out of everyone I know, just you," Robin answered as Alice rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Oh, good," Alice smiled as she looked ahead. "The map." The two went up to study the map, the boys joined moments later.

"So, we're here and the staff is there," Vlad said as he pointed at spots on the map. "Everyone know which way to go?" Everyone nodded. "Good." Alice and Chloe went one direction, Robin another, and Vlad another. 

"Hold on," Alice as they stopped on the stairs, they both turned to see the boys walking in a different direction. 

"They are hopeless," Chloe groaned as the boys continued to be confused.

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