Chapter 15

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Sunday flew by; Alice went to the mall with her friends, to get her mind off everything that happened Saturday.

Monday came around; Alice was in the bathroom brushing her teeth with Chloe as they got ready for school. Chloe had gotten a haircut, and she was brushing her teeth extra hard. "Something bothering you, Clo?"

Chloe spat in the sink. " could he...just...uh!!" Alice looked at her. "We should stop going up to the castle all of us."

"But Vlad is our friend," Alice pointed out.

"Your and Robin's friend," Chloe corrected. "I am done after he left us as refreshments for Count Dracula's friends." Alice put her toothbrush back on the holder and grabbed a towel to wipe the counter. "You shouldn't go up to the castle, Alice...especially with how pushing the Count is toward you and that loser."

"You need to be open to it," Alice advised. "I made that marriage deal with Vlad, they could become your in-laws."

"Then work on finding someone normal to date, Alice!" Chloe ordered as she put her stuff away. "I do not want the undead to be in-laws to me." She stormed out of the bathroom.

Robin rounded the corner, rubbing his eyes; still in his pj's. "Move."

"Hurry up, loser," Alice grunted as left the room. 

Alice was now walking into school with Vlad and Robin.

"Relax," Robin ordered. "Mr.  Van Helsing won't slay you at school."

"Killing a student wouldn't look good," Alice added. 

"He'll wait for you at him, alone," Robin added.

Chloe pushed through them, then turned angrily. "Where were you when the vampires were trying to suck our blood?"

"I was tied up," Vlad answered. 

"Oh, I see!" Chloe growled. "You had something more important to do than saving my family!"

"No, he was literally tied by Mr. Van Helsing in the woodshop room," Alice explained. "Held hostage by him and Jonathan."

"I'd still be there if it wasn't for your big sister," Vlad added. "By the time I got to the castle you were safely home."

"Yeah," Chloe huffed, crossing her arms. "No, thanks to you."

"It won't happen again," Vlad assured. "Promise."

"Vlad," Chloe sighed. "That's a promise you can't keep. I'm sorry, but I'm never setting foot in that castle again, and neither should you Robin, and Alice."

"So we dump our friend just because his dad may drain us of blood?" Robin asked.

"Nobody is gonna be drained of blood," Vlad promised, Alice looked at him. "That's different." He looked at the other two. "I'm gonna find a way for vampires and breather--sorry, people, to get along. No more fighting." He and Robin high-fived.

Jonathan then walked up to the group. "Get ready to fight, weirdo."

"Well, you certainly got your work cut out," Robin commented.

"Shut up, weirdo number two!" Jonathan ordered.

"Don't talk to my brother like that," Alice ordered as she crossed her arms.

"How can you just side with them?" Jonathan demanded. "Open your eyes, Alice!"

"I won't fight you," Vlad said.

"Good," Jonathan huffed. "That makes it easy for me." He lunged at Vlad. The two fell and started to fight, mainly Jonathan, Vlad was blocking the punches. 

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