Chapter 28

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Four years passed by;  Alice Stone (Formally Alice Branagh) had grown, and under Ingrid Dracula, she became skilled in alchemy. Alice was also able to adjust to other certain abilities. While at the castle, Alice was allowed to dress nicely unlike Renfield.  

At Stokely schools, Alice managed to befriend her siblings and former friends. Robin invited her over a lot, said it was nice to have a girl think he was cool and interesting; and he wished vampires were real. Chloe was a town genius prodigy, and Paul and Ian had gone off to college. 

Alice was able to stay close to her family, even if they don't remember that she is part of their family; and that she had gotten her license. Ingrid hypnotized the driving instructor to believe that Alice was 17 when she was 15. At the castle, Alice cleaned, cooked, and lived in Ingrid's old room as Ingrid took Vlad's old room. Due to Vlad's blood changing parts of Alice's DNA, her breather scent had greatly minimized, along with super speed and hearing as Ingrid said. Ingrid was kind enough to Alice through those transitions; Ingrid kept to her word, and she made Stokely streets run red with blood but did not touch the Branagh's. Alice didn't make an attempt to try and contact Count and Vlad, she was way too angry at Vlad.

The Branaghs moved from Stokely when Alice was about 16, Graham Branagh had found a new job a few cities away. Thankfully, with the era of phones, Alice was still able to keep in touch with them.

Over the past four years, Alice was able to maintain a boyfriend for two years, without Ingrid's knowledge.

At the moment; seventeen-year-old Alice pulled up to the castle in that old car. The moment she stepped out, she smelled gasoline reeking from the castle.

"Ingrid?" Alice asked as she walked in. "Countess Dracula?" Alice checked everywhere, but nobody was in the castle, she got to the table to find a note.


Stokely Castle has been attracting an exceeding amount of slayers. With one match this place should burn down to the ground, and get the slayers off my scent. I'll let know where I land, see you there

- Ingrid'

For the rest of the evening for Alice to stash everything into her car; it was now late at night, and she stood outside the castle, staring at it. 

"Sorry, old girl," Alice said as she struck a match. "We had a lot of fun and tears...Mistress Ingrid's orders." She threw the match, watching the castle go up in flames. Memories poured through Alice's mind as she watched the castle burn. She left before any mortal or vampire approached the castle. 

A week later, Alice was in the highlands when her phone went off with a tone she knew too well.

"Ingrid," Alice answered. "It's about time."

"Come to Garside Granger," Ingrid instructed. "It's my new hideout."

"Gar what?" Alice asked as she crossed her arms. "Any news about the castle?"

"Burned just like I wanted," Ingrid answered. "Now, come to Garside Granger, it's a school...perfect place for you to enroll for your last year."

"I'll be there, in at least three days," Alice answered. "Stuck in Scotland."

Ingrid groaned. "YOU WORM! GET OVER HERE, NOW!"


About five days later, Alice had finally pulled up to Garside Granger School in the middle of the night.

"Talk about hiding in plain sight," Alice said as she got out of the car. "Out of all places, school? Really, Ingrid? Couldn't pick...a mall or something." Alice grabbed about two bags, then walked around, till she found a window unlocked. "Perfect." She peeked into seeing papers all over the place, the school was a complete mess. She then threw the window opened and threw the bags in. Alice started to climb through the window, she looked up just as a familiar face swung down, baring fangs he didn't have before. His hair was darker and his red glowing eyes quickly faded, Alice watched Vladimir Dracula fall flat on his back.

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