Chapter 18

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The day of Boris's transformation came; Alice skipped over to the castle with a gift for Boris, she knocked on the door; Renfield opened it. 

"What do you want?" Renfield asked.

"I've come to see Boris," Alice answered. "Wish him luck, it is his birthday after all." She got let in to see Ivan and Count holding on to Boris, Vlad seemed concerned.

"Oh, good!" The Count greeted her as they looked at her. "What do you got there?'

"A gift for Boris," Alice answered as she put it on the table. "Happy Birthday, Boris."

"What is there to be happy about?" Boris asked as he sunk into his chair.

"Your destiny to become a vampire!" Ivan shouted as he lifted his hands." Together you and I will wreak havoc all across Pennsylvania! New York!" Boris seemed even more down, Alice sat next to Vlad as Boris opened his gift. Boris pulled out a locket with a horseshoe on it.

"Horseshoes are said to bring good luck," Alice explained. "Figured you'd need it today."

"Thanks," Boris smiled lightly at her.

"Horseshoes are also said to keep away evil," Ivan said as he glanced at her. "Deception towards his victims...clever."

"Thanks," Alice breathed. 

Soon the time came, Ivan and the Count led Boris down to the mirror with everyone else following. He had his face covered, on a wall was red wrapping, with a black bow, and two knights standing on either side. 

"Remove the blindfold," The Count ordered, Ivan snapped his fingers, and the blindfold fell off. 

"Happy birthday, my son," Ivan said as he gestured to the wall. 

"Hey, this is great," Boris smiled, he looked back at his dad. He started to tear open the wrapping. "But you really shouldn't have gone through so much..."  A door was revealed. "Oh, you didn't."

Count stepped up behind his nephew. "That, Boris, is the doorway to your destiny."

"I don't suppose you kept the receipt?" Boris asked. The door clanged, opening up on its own. A red light shined from the room; Boris sucked on his inhaler.

Vlad walked up to him. "You can do this Boris." He grabbed him by the shoulders, turning him from the door for a second. "Just remember to stay focused. You are not evil. Say it."

"I'm not evil," Boris said. 

"Again," Vlad instructed.

"I'm not evil," Boris repeated. 

"Once more," Vlad instructed.

"I'm not evil!" Boris said in a different voice, making the castle shake. 

Vlad retracted his hands; Boris looked back. "Okay. We'll leave that for now."

"Way to go, Vlad," Ingrid complimented. "Can you coach me?" 

Ivan appeared behind his son. "Any last requests?"

"Yeah," Boris admitted. "Can we do this a different time?" He tried to leave but got stopped by Olga.

"You're not going anywhere, Doris," Olga said. 

"Come, come," Count ordered as he and Ivan grabbed hold of Boris. They shoved him into the room.

Boris started shouting as the doors closed. "No, Dad, please, no!" The knights moved, crossing swords over the door as Boris screamed. The brothers shook hands; they all began to sit around, waiting for Boris to come out. Vlad was pacing around the door, as Ingrid sat next to it. Alice sat on the wall, as Olga stood by her dad and Uncle. 

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