2. I Wanna Burn Bright Until We're Not

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Otto's pov:

I rolled over in bed expecting to see Geoff still fast asleep. When I didn't see him, I was only mildly concerned. Sometimes he got up early to run, so it didn't bother me too much that he wasn't there to comfort me. Fucking nightmares.

I checked the alarm clock we kept on Geoff's side of the bed. 7:00. I moaned and rolled back over, covering my face with my hands.

"Ugh," I mumbled again as I flipped onto my back. Letting my head fall to the left as I watched the sunlight drift into the room through the flowing curtains. The air smelled like freshly washed linen due to the air freshener plugged into the wall across the room.

I laughed softly to myself as I noticed a note on the nightstand on the other side of the bed. I flopped horizontally onto my stomach and outstretched my arm to grab the piece of paper.

I love you babe, -Geoff

I tossed the comforter off of my legs and sleepily walked down the hallway leading to the kitchen.

"Geoff?" I called out. "Where are you?"

Before I knew what was happening I felt hands around my waist. Geoff spun me around and kissed me softly.

"Glad to see you're up!" He chirped.

I laughed. "Yeah I got your note, I love you too, dummy."

He rolled his eyes, "I just wanted to give you something nice to wake up to in case I wasn't back yet."

"Back from where?" I arched one eyebrow, my eyes drifting down to the apron he was wearing "Wait did you cook or something?"

Geoff chuckled, "Something like that." He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen. "Ta da!" He announced proudly, pointing at two burritos.

I shook my head and smiled, "For breakfast?"

"Burritos are not lunch and dinner specific, you are being very burritophobic right now and I have to say I don't care for it," he put his hands on his hips jokingly.

"You're right I'm very sorry, I'll be better."

"Good," he cracked a smile. "Try it!" He motioned to the burrito and I shook my head, laughing.

I picked up the burrito, trying to hold it so that it would stay together. "Fuck, this is overflowing, you could've put a little less meat in here."

"I like meat," Geoff winked.

I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully, "Shut up."

Taking a bite, I closed my eyes. It was so fucking good.

...almost too good.

"Geoff, darling, baby, honey, don't be offended or anything but, did you really make this?"

"What do you mean of course I did," he responded, his eyebrows rising.

"Okayyy, well it just kind of tastes like Chipotle but I don't know if you say you made it, I believe you."

Geoff hummed quietly for a few seconds before laughing and saying, "Well I'm the one who put it on a plate so technically..."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Love you, babe."

"I love you too," he blushed.

I looked around the room, suddenly realizing Geoff had also set the table. There were light pink flowers in a clear vase between two plates, the fancy plates we only use for holidays.

"Hey?" I muttered. 

"Hm?" Geoff replied

"Is it, uh, a special occasion or something?"

Geoff frowned slightly, "Yeah, um, our 2 year anniversary, you remembered, right?"

I felt my eyes go wide "Shit," I whispered. Fuck, I had forgotten, how could I have forgot.

Geoff looked heartbroken but quickly spoke up "Hey," he said softly. "It's okay, baby. You're mine, that's all that matters to me, alright? Don't worry about it."

I took a deep breath. I could tell he was disappointed even if he wouldn't say it.

"I'm so sorry, babe," my voice was barely audible. I felt sick all of a sudden.

"I know," he said. He gave me a small smile and held out his hand.

Slipping my hand into his I felt how tense he was. I had really fucked up this time.

He led me over to the table he had set up. The flowers seemed less pink than they had before.

"I love you," I muttered, horrified with myself still. "Happy two years."

Geoff smiled warmly. "Yeah, happy two years. I love you so much."

I smiled and tried to forget that I had forgotten. I just wanted to stay here, in this moment forever.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against my arm, which was propped up on the table.

"Everything okay?" Geoff asked.

"Yeah," I said softly. "I just need a second."

Geoff chuckled. "Take your time."

Something about his voice sounded distant. I opened my eyes hoping to read his expression to understand how he was really feeling.

But when I looked across the table he wasn't there anymore.

"Hey," his quiet voice came from beside me.

I looked at him, my eyes wide, heart pounding loudly. Kneeling before me was the love of my life. My boyfriend of two years, the only man I could ever imagine spending the rest of my life with, and he was holding a ring.

"Otto Danielle Wood, will you marry me?"

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