18. Let's Keep Each Other Safe From The World

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Otto's pov:

Our Uber pulled up to a large building with rows of street lights to the right of it. There was a staircase on the side of the building and colorful panels on the front facing side. A sign read "Los Angeles County Museum of Art."

I awkwardly shuffled out of the Uber, Awsten following behind me, his eyes glued to his phone where he was tipping the driver.

"Wow," I breathed out. "It's pretty impressive."

"Yeah," Awsten replied, slipping his phone back into his jeans. "There's around 130,000 pieces here. It's like the largest art museum in the western United States I think... that's what the tour guide said the last time I was here."

He stumbled over his words as he spoke, I noticed that he was fiddling with the rings on his fingers, probably just a nervous habit.

"Oh, cool!" I replied, trying to hide my faux enthusiasm.

Awsten started walking towards the building, so I followed suit. "Hey, uh, do you wanna play a game?" He asked, attempting to start up a conversation.

I jumped at the opportunity, "Yeah! Sure, what kind of game?"

"Ummm," he paused for a second, swinging open the door and holding it for me. "What about truth or dare?"

I laughed a little, "Like 'who's your crush' or 'I dare you to prank call Pizza Hut.'"

Awsten smiled, his cheeks glowing slightly red, "No no, like a less juvenile version."

"A sophisticated version of truth or dare?" I mocked him in a joking manner.

He rolled his eyes and hit his shoulder against my arm lightly, "Shut up you know what I mean."

I stood back while Awsten paid, getting us each a ticket and admission to walk into the museum.

"Okay fine," I laughed as we strolled into the first room full of artwork. "Um, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied without hesitation.

I looked around scanning our surroundings, we were in a room with Latin American art paintings on the walls and sculptures in glass cases in the center of the room. There were 3 other people in the room.

"Okay," I held back a smile. "I dare you to walk up to someone in this room and tell them that you have lice."

"How sophisticated," Awsten replied, making his way over to a man who looked to be in his late 30's, he had a long beard and he was almost a foot taller than Awsten.

"Uh, hi sir," he cleared his throat. "I have lice."

Awsten didn't wait for his reaction before turning and speed-walking back to me. "That was brutal," I laughed.

"Fucking kids," I heard the guy mutter, as he walked into the next room to get away from us.

"So you wanna play like that, huh?" Awsten said, grinning. "Alright it's your turn, truth or dare?"

"There is no fucking way I'm picking dare after I just made you do that."

Awsten's face fell, "Nooooooo c'mon let me get my revenge." He whined.

"Truth," I replied, slightly enjoying crushing his hopes of revenge.

"Ugh fine," he rolled his eyes but I could tell he wasn't really mad. We started to head into the next room, this one was full of Islamic art. "Okay I got one," Awsten spoke. "What's the biggest mistake you've ever made?"

I hesitated for a moment. I didn't want to lie to him, but more importantly, I didn't want to lie to myself. It wasn't an easy question to answer.

"Saying yes to someone who I shouldn't have." And there it was, the truth. Awsten didn't know I was talking about Geoff, but I did, and that was all that mattered. I loved Geoff, but I did not want to marry him. That's why I was here with Awsten, because I didn't want to be engaged, because I wanted to date Awsten and not feel like shit for flirting with him all the time. I just wanted to be his boyfriend, was that really so bad?

"Oh," Awsten replied, half distracted, looking at a painting.

"Um, your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied, turning his focus back to me.

I looked around, we were the only ones in the room this time.

"Kiss me," I said.


"Kiss me." 

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