12. But Cupid Sent Me On A Mission

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Otto's pov: 

Los Angeles was different than I expected. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant, just busy.

I could tell it wasn't Geoff's scene, he was clutching tightly to the straps on his backpack and bouncing his leg rhythmically.

"Hey, you alright?" I might be mad at him but I'm not a total bitch.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Kind of a hectic vacation spot." His laugh sounded thin.

I directed the Uber to the Airbnb that we were staying at for the 4 days we're here.

"You wanna stay in tonight," Geoff offered a wobbly smile.

I shrugged. It felt pointless to travel somewhere just to "stay in" but it was only Thursday. Tomorrow I'll get to go out with Awsten.

"Uh huh," I responded with a sigh.

I turned away from Geoff and pulled my legs up onto the car seat.

Taking out my phone I read my missed messages from Awsten.

Awsten: hey

Awsten: you there?

Awsten: i have some exciting news!!

I smiled as I typed my reply.

Otto: Wait don't tell me... did barista bitch die?

Awsten: no but that would be fantastic

Awsten: hey wait are you in LA yet

Otto: Just got here

Otto: What was the exciting news??

I watched as Awsten's icon went from typing to silent and back to typing again. A few minutes passed before I gave up and clicked my phone off. I'd respond to him later.

We were probably getting close to the Airbnb soon anyway. 

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