14. Waiting For Your Call

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Otto's pov:

I'd started to warm up to Geoff again. It was hard not to. He was bubbly and excited and nervous and I was an asshole for staying mad at the human incarnation of sunshine.

He was still a little worried about being in a big city, it was a lot different from Texas, and Geoff would remind me of that every second.

"Otto!!!!" Geoff exclaimed pointing to a palm tree. "Look how tall that one is!"

I was a glorified babysitter. "Yeah," I smiled back at him. "They're pretty cool."

"I'm glad you suggested going for a walk," he grinned, slipping his hand into mine. "It's really nice."

I nodded, "I know this trip was really, uh, spontaneous, but thank you for going along with it. I just wanted to get away for a little bit."

"Of course babe," I felt Geoff give my hand a little squeeze. "Anything for you."

I hadn't brought up him calling my parents since the day that he'd told me. He hadn't mentioned it either, so I'm guessing he had decided to give me time to breathe.

It was nice not feeling suffocated for once.

Of course that also meant that I didn't know how the conversation had gone or what he'd said to them, or worse, what they'd said to him.

I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I wanted to be in this moment with Geoff, just walking the streets of LA, holding hands in public, that was something we'd never been able to do in Texas.

At this moment I would've married Geoff right here, in the middle of the street, in front of a Starbucks, with cars honking behind us.

I wanted to punch myself for continuing to talk to Awsten when I loved Geoff as much as I did. I wanted to torture myself for agreeing to meet up with him.

I'm such a bad liar. "Agreeing to meet up" like it wasn't my idea. In fact it wasn't an idea, it was a demand. I'd told him that I was meeting up with him, I didn't even ask if he'd wanted to.

I wanted to tell Geoff everything, to let him hold me whilst I cried, for him to tell me that I wasn't a horrible person, that I'd made a mistake, that I hadn't even really been flirting, just talking.

Fuck. Who was I kidding. I was flirting. I was a horrible person. The worst part, and I mean the worst part, was that Geoff would say everything I thought he would.

He would forgive me.

And I hated him for that. 

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