22. Cause I Know It's Hard to Let Yourself Be Fine

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Otto's pov:

"So," Geoff adjusted the straps on his backpack. "You blocked him, right?"

"Yes," I reassured him. "No more secrets."

He smiled, pulling me closer to him.

We were at the airport, waiting at our gate to board our plane back to Texas.

"Um," I cleared my throat. "We're all good, right?"

Geoff took my hand in his and squeezed it gently, "Yeah."

I believed him.

That was the thing about Geoff; he didn't lie. I could trust him to be honest with me. If he had been in my shoes, he would've told me about Awsten.

I, however, was not as honest.

A prime example of that was me not actually blocking Awsten.

I wasn't going to continue to talk to him, but blocking him without telling him why just seemed cruel.

I would tell him the truth; that I'm seeing somebody else, I would apologize for potentially complicating his heart, and then I would do as I'd promised Geoff; I would block him.

The very idea of it made me sick.

I wasn't sure how long I was going to put it off for.

"Gate 104 is boarding now," a voice came over the speakers. "Boarding group passengers 'A' please line up."

"Ready, Babe?" I heard Geoff's voice beside me.

"Yeah," I replied.

Another lie. 

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