7- The Fight

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[art above by me! Credits for the original design to the artist, I trace loosely and then change it to fit what I need]

The teacher had yet to raise the whistle to their lips, so I reached my hands up to my headphones, taking them off from under my hood, and placing them around my neck, on the outside of my coat. By this point the class had gone quiet, and I wanted to have the best senses possible for this confrontation, which meant my full hearing range. As an afterthought, I also pulled the black gloves from my hands, placing them inside my deep pockets. Ojiro had shifted to a fighting stance, cautious of my unknown quirk, but I could tell he was tensing his muscles and thinking of the best tactics. I guessed that based on his quirk and what I'd learnt of him today, that he would begin with an attack, to try and catch me off guard, perhaps before I could use my quirk.

All Might raised the whistle to his lips, and time seemed to slow as he blew it, creating a sharp tone that hurt my ears, though I ignored the irrelevant sound. I felt Ojjro's first step forward, his tail poised as he attempted to cross the ten or so metres between us as quick as he could. From my casual stance, I chose to crouch, my hood still covering my face, and my now ungloved hands resting on the floor. Immediately upon contact, I could feel the intimate vibrations through the cement, attempting to discard the clouds of noise from the students and focus on Ojjro's loud and heavy steps. He'd only taken two steps forward, but I could feel the way his weight was distributed, helping me predict when he would act. After another few quick steps, I tensed my body, preparing for Ojiro's incoming attack, and my pre-decided retaliation.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for action, and just as Ojiro took an abnormally heavy step and began to push off the floor, intending to jump and kick me or flick me with his tail, I jumped into action. Using my quirk, I directed a large force of air under my feet, having taken a small leap off the ground. The force of the air propelled me to nearly exactly my intended height, and my slight angle ensured that I flew over Ojiro, feeling the wind clearly on my face as I passed, clearing his failed attack by at least a metre. Midair, I detected his harsh landing and stumble, not having prepared to miss, and I flipped midair, spinning around at the same time, and bending my knees. I would have landed heavily if not for the cushioned soles of my shoes, and their vital ankle support. I'd landed facing where Ojiro had also just landed a moment ago, again in a crouch, and already planning my next move.

This time I was going to go on the offensive, having estimated Ojiro's speed and power from his previous attack. With my increased hearing I felt him draw in a sharp breath as he turned to see my new position, surprised and confused. That little display hadn't been nearly enough for him to guess my quirk, at this point he was still almost totally clueless, except for not underestimating my agility when he next attacked. He chose to increase both speed and power but using his tail to launch himself at me, in a similar manner to my use of air pressure differentiation to propel me.

As soon as his presence completely disappeared from the ground, I stood from my crouch, now in a fighting stance, but instead of attempting to land a blow as he flew at me, I stepped forward strongly, pushing my hands towards him. I felt the rush of power as great gusts of wind pushed past my face, chilling me. The gusts accelerated as they approached their target, who was unaware of the invisible force massing to hit him within milliseconds.

Still midair, the gusts hit him before he could react to my coat's sudden reversal of flowing direction, eyes wide, he hung in the air for a second before being carried violently by the wind. I felt my classmates gasp in shock, and I thought I felt Midoriya and Uraraka smile, whilst Iida seemed to be either in shock or very confused.

It only took half a second before Ojiro crashed back into the ground, twenty metres behind his previous position, unmoving. He was still breathing, of that I was sure, and still conscious, based on his facial expressions changing, though he was facing the wall behind him.

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