18- Uninvited Guests

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Later that evening, when Kei's mum had finished interrogating him about his day, the permission slip made its way into their conversation. "So, what's the trip about?" His mum asked.

"I'm not really sure, Izuku said something about rescue training, but I think it's supposed to be a surprise," Kei responded, wondering himself.

"Ooh, that sounds exciting!" Exclaimed his mum, who then started talking animatedly about the different scenarios he might have to rescue someone from, her enthusiasm infectious.

A few hours later, Kei's thoughts were drawn back to the conversation he'd had with Todoroki. The other boy had genuinely cared, and made an effort to check up on him. It was nice, not to be alone. And something about Todoroki's voice was just so... calming. Like he didn't have to worry about anything, as long as he was there.

Kei didn't know a lot about Todoroki, just that he was a recommendation student with a half-ice, half-fire quirk. He'd also picked together that Todoroki was Endeavor's son, and that he was a little lacking in the social department, which made Todoroki's request to sit with them at lunch even more peculiar.

Despite the strange tidbits of information and hidden scars- a time bomb waiting to explode, undoubtedly- he felt drawn to Todoroki, and wanted to learn more about the quiet and enigmatic character.

Thoughts aside, Kei tried to focus on checking through his bag and homework, preparing himself for the field trip the following day.


Todoroki arrived at UA perfectly on time, though there were a few students already in the classroom when he arrived. His eyes skimmed over the students, landing on Midoriya and his friends- including Kei. He sent a quick smile to the latter, although he wasn't sure if it was seen. He headed to his seat, and observed the class until Aizawa slithered in. Midoriya seemed to be explaining something, overly excited, to Uraraka. Kei watched the conversation, occasionally adding something but mostly saying quiet.

Trying not to freak the new student out again, Todoroki looked away, but still wondered if his hair was always like that, completely covering his eyes. He guessed it was probably something to do with the scars he'd seen on the other boy's forehead, but was it necessary to cover that much of his face? Or maybe the scarring really did go that far down. At first he'd though maybe Kei hadn't been able to get a haircut in a while, but looking closer, the hair was carefully cut to look neat and be easily manageable, while still covering his eyes. Yet another mystery about the dark-haired boy.

Finally, Aizawa drew the class's attention and directed them outside, where a bus awaited them. They filed out of the room, a few small pockets of chatting betraying the excitement of the class. Kei followed his friends, a little less apprehensive after seeing how laidback they were, clearly the training was nothing to be worried about, no assessments or tests, just learning.

The bus was pretty small, and Kei could already tell that the noise of his classmates was going to echo and be amplified by the concave metal walls. He ended up sitting just behind Izuku and Ochako, with no one beside him.

Izuku turned around as the rest of the class found their seats. "Hey Kei, are you alright on your own? Do you wanna play Tetris with us? I brought my gameboy," he offered. A moment later Kei sensed his expression change a little as he realised that it would probably be pretty hard for Kei to play a game like that.

Kei smiled anyway, "I'm alright thanks, I'm just gonna... look at the scenery," he snorted a little. Izuku smiled back, glad that he hadn't offended his new friend. He turned back to Ochako, and Kei heard the quiet clicking of buttons a second later.

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