10- Quirk evaluation 3

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My moment of quiet didn't last for long, as I heard loud and heavy footsteps approaching. From the grunts coming from the person's mouth, it was Bakugo, and he wasn't happy.

"Oi, new kid! What the hell do you think you're doing?" He practically spat at me. I'll admit, I was terrified, but I put on a brave, unbothered face and sat up, tilting my head to 'look' at him.

"Well, I was enjoying some quiet, until you came along," I replied, speaking just loud enough for him to hear me. He seemed taken aback by my unusually confident reply, but growled again.

"Who do you think you are, joining our class out of nowhere and thinking you can just look down on us? Huh?" He seemed like he wanted a confrontation, but there was no way I was giving him the satisfaction of a fight.

Again I responded in the same calm and probably infuriating tone. "I don't know if you noticed, Bakugo-kun, but I didn't join your class out of nowhere. You were notified of a transfer at the beginning of the year, were you not? Or weren't you paying attention?" He looked pretty pissed at this point, but I decided to go a little further, considering Aizawa was already making his way towards us, having practically felt the anger radiating off Bakugo.

Before he could open his mouth to make a snarky remark, I continued, "And I haven't been looking down on you, I've just been doing my best, and I suggest you do the same." With that I stood, reaching my full, not all that impressive height of 170cm, nearly 5'6", just an inch or so shorter than Bakugo. I could sense the tension in him, he opened his mouth to say something that I'm certain would land him in detention, right as Aizawa made an appearance.

"What's going on between you two?" He questioned, looking between us with tired eyes. He stared at Bakugo for a moment longer, almost daring him to make a move, before sighing and walking to the front of the class and signalling for the whole class to follow him. Bakugo wisely remained silent, but from what I could sense of his face, and the more familiar facial expressions of my new friends, I knew I was in some deep shit.

He glared at me for another second before stiffly turning and following behind Aizawa and some other students, his friend Kirishima attempting to talk to him only to be pushed away.

I sighed in relief as he left, relaxing my stuff shoulders, sure that the encounter had taken a few weeks off my life. Midoriya stood beside me for a moment before commenting on my predicament. "Ah crap," he thought for a moment more. "It was bound to happen at some point, Kacchan always has been a bit touchy about people overtaking him," I almost scoffed, 'touchy' was definitely an understatement.

Uraraka startled me by pulling me along after the class, also commenting similarly about the inevitability of the conflict.

We walked as a class over to a section of the field, and after a moment of close consideration, I figured it was a throwing area, with a single circle of concrete, and painted lines at regular intervals away from the circle. This was where we'd be throwing the tennis balls, and Aizawa soon informed us that we'd have one chance to throw the ball as far as possible, and he'd record and read out each score.

I'd begun thinking before we'd even arrived at this area, analysing every way of powering the ball and the force I'd be able to create. There were a couple of different methods, but I ruled out wind straight away, the ball was too small and heavy for the wind to have any effect, and after some more careful thinking, I reached my conclusion.

By the time I was thinking of exactly how to execute my chosen move, Aoyama was stepping up the circle, ball in hand. He hesitated for a moment, looking resigned, before just launching the ball as far as he could, no involve the from his quirk. He hadn't placed particularly well in any test so far, I guessed that wore down his determination. He scored 28m, an admittedly not great score. Ashido, or Mina as she preferred to be called, also had no use for her quirk apart from singing the ball with her acid to make it smoother and streamlined, though it had a negligible effect on her score, 35m.

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