15- Glares

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-Todoroki POV-
I'm late. Crap. I'd spent too long helping Kei out after whatever Bakugo did to him, and got distracted. Even though I sprinted home, I was still five minutes late to my dads 'training session'. He was standing at the door waiting for me when I ran in, panting from running all the way. He didn't actually say anything as I quickly changed from my school uniform into my training kit, but I could tell as soon as we started the session that he wasn't going to let it go unpunished.

My training normally lasted an hour, every day, after school. Usually, Endeavour had me doing fighting drills and using my quirk too much, to build up my stamina. Today, he fought me in hand-to-hand, not holding back and showing no remorse when five minutes later, I lay winded on the floor, wincing at every breath from the sharp pain in my ribs. Ten minutes after that, we were back doing drills, and I was allowed no leeway despite the bruises forming and the burns on my body. Endeavour barely spoke to me, and an hour and a half after we started, he sighed and left the room, signalling that the session was over, leaving me slumped on the floor with even more injuries than after that first fight. None that would scar or harm me permanently- no, Endeavour would never hurt his perfect creation.

I slowly headed to the shower, enjoying the warm water and checking over the bruises. Drying myself off, I looked up and caught a glimpse of myself in the steamy mirror. A pale face with cold eyes, disheveled hair split perfectly in half, one side blood red and the other perfect white. Underneath the crimson side, an old scar spilled over my eye, reaching down to my cheek. A burn scar from when I was younger.

I thought back to Kei, when I'd found him curled up on the floor. The invisible barrier he'd unconsciously made was pretty impressive, but i wondered how scared he must have been, and how often that sort of thing must have happened, in order for him to develop that kind of defence mechanism. He seemed pretty shy around groups of people, maybe he was bullied in his last school? I couldn't imagine why though.

Back in my room, I pulled out my homework and sat at my desk. My thoughts kept wandering back to Kei and Midoriya, both being very... interesting people. Maybe I could make friends with them? Kei seemed to trust me a little today, and I should build that up instead of break it down. And I'm sure Midoriya wouldn't mind an extra person at their table. Yeah, I'll do that. Just... only when I have the confidence.

—Izuku Midoriya POV—

Wow, what a day! The first day back at UA! It was only a week or so that we were off school, but I missed it. And I made a new friend! Kei seemed really nice, and even though he was quiet, I could tell he was getting more comfortable around us. He seemed so unsure when he showed us that he's blind, like we'd react terribly and not want to be friends with him. On the contrary, I'd love to know more about him! From all the scars I'd guess that exactly how he lost his sight is probably a sore topic, but I wonder how he learnt to get around that well, even with an air manipulation quirk! He must have thought a lot about the physics of it all, maybe he has some suggestions for how I can use all for one? I'll have to word my question carefully, though. Don't want him finding out that I wasn't born with my quirk...

—Kei POV—

Kei yawned and stretched as he got up from the sofa he and his mum had fallen asleep on last night. He felt his neck crack, and winced. A soft snore from the sofa opposite told him that his mum had yet to get up, though the alarm on her phone would wake her in a few minutes. Kei made his way into the kitchen, not bothering to turn the lights on even though he knew it would still be dark. He set the kettle to boil, and reflected on the events of the previous day.

Bakugo had attacked him, violently and without regret for leaving him shaking on the floor. He wasn't going to tell Aizawa unless Bakugo decided he hadn't been beaten enough, but he wasn't sure how Bakugo was going to act around him. Would he be satisfied with the beating he'd given Kei already? Or try to do it again?

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